drawing RSS

art, drawing -

This is just about a new anime drawing and the like. It is a maiden in a Black Dress. I am still working with my website. I will be taking new photos for the products. It will be take a bit of time. I am also working on making Instragram, adding new photos and the like. The anime drawing took only a couple of hours to finish. The pose is nothing too far out there. As of now, I am working on making my own dresses. I am thinking of making a ballerina coffee table book. I do not know...

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anime, drawing -

This is a relatively new anime drawing and the like. It features a maiden in a leopard costume. I thought she looked interesting and the like. I really should edit out the like and stuff. It takes me a bit to come up with something new to write. I grow more distracted the closer I get to my birthdate. I bought a bunch of stuff from my own store. You will see them in the Artsy Sister’s Choice section. I have not done an update to it for quite some time. I have a couple of stuff that could be...

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drawing, dress -

As of late, I have been working on adding plenty of new products. I originally wanted to just do painting, drawing and digital art. I later on decided to add craft into the mix. Craft is just about anything that is done with your hands. This is the official dictionary definition. Following that technical definition I started to build up my brands. The first thing I worked on was the clay collection. Clay is mainly used for sculpting. I have the traditional Sculpey and Fimo and then some more. I also have plasticine. When I was little, I used to...

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drawing -

This is just about a new anime drawing and the like. It is a little Harlequin from the 18th century. Harlequin is a stock character from a comedy. I thought her costume was really cute and the like. I am just mellowed out because I woke up a bit too early. I just wanted to be a little tea cup, short and stuff. I did the drawing with pens and coloring pencils. I have been desiring to scan and put all my cute dress drawings into a book. Print books are still somewhat of a thing. The internet is not...

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art, drawing -

Today, we were finally able to head out. The day was just too nice looking in order to stay at home comfortable numb. When I say comfortably numb, I just refer to staying at home and watching some bad TV. Most of the TV as of late is terrible. The only thing we see is Telemundo news. Mom likes to watch the news, to see how the weather is hanging. The rest of the show is composed of douches talking bad about the president, and the traffic girl looking pretty. Recently, we saw one of the best commercials in history....

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Artsy's Choice