American Woman in a Blue Sailor Suit circa 1890

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American Woman in a Blue Sailor Suit circa 1890

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Today, we were finally able to head out. The day was just too nice looking in order to stay at home comfortable numb. When I say comfortably numb, I just refer to staying at home and watching some bad TV. Most of the TV as of late is terrible. The only thing we see is Telemundo news. Mom likes to watch the news, to see how the weather is hanging. The rest of the show is composed of douches talking bad about the president, and the traffic girl looking pretty. Recently, we saw one of the best commercials in history. It was supposed to be talking bad about Rick Scott, saying how he was pals with the president Trump. We were originally not going to vote for Scott, but when we saw him with the president, we changed out tune. Florida overall is a real mess. Even our favorite place, Miami Beach is going down the tube. The issue are those little tiny alleys. The thieves use them to get around, and mug people. This is why you should never walk the streets alone at night. As soon as the sun starts to set, it is our cue to get out.

The only terrible thing that happens in the daytime is people getting ran over. We saw a couple of days ago one of those fancy Netflix shows. It was about cool houses. One of them is located in Miami Beach. We had passed by it, hundreds of time, but we had never paid any attention to it. It is well camouflage. I have noticed that a lot of rich people as of late have been camouflaging their houses. It is usually the fanciest looking ones that get hit first. Those that look bizarre, or ugly on the outside usually get left in peace. I wonder if that house has been bought yet. I once had a dream that we had bought the place. The house was pretty run down, with the garden taking over the place. In the TV show, the house was for sale for like 4 million. Most bizarre looking houses do not ever get bought. Even when the people do like the house, they chose the home that they think their friends like. I read of the same effect in an economics book. People chose the stocks that they think other people like, instead of the one they have a good feeling about. This is also noted in Beauty Contests. Then again, most TV shows are rigged. My journalism text spoke a lot about the scandals of TV game shows, where the winner was predetermined. Nobody knew or cared, till the milkman spoke.

For those that do not know, here is the story of the milkman. Once upon a time, there was a milkman that used to water the milk. Nobody knew about it, till he told a buddy at the pub. By the end of the day, the milkman had been lynched. The overall theme of the story is that if you are doing something unethical, you better keep your mouth shut about it. I can pretty much talk as much as I want because I don’t have any ethics. Most people’s ethical values vary from region to region. I prefer to go by what I know is right and wrong. Everyone knows it, it is intuitive. Even a toddler knows when he has done wrong. The rest of the laws and the ethics and the mores they teach you are designed to warp the truth. And what is the truth you ask? Well, do not cause harm to others, do not force someone to do something they do not want to and if you see a person breaking either of those two laws, go help the victim. The world is always going to be filled with douches. And as Forest Gump once said, this is all I have to say about that.

I forget. I am also not in the mood to look it up. He is one of those figures that exist in our collective memory. Most people could channel him ,if they had a mind to do so. Channeling, is what I call perfect mimicry. You speak, and act like the fellow, without dressing up, to see if people notice what you are doing. I like that movie more or less. Anyhow, back to Miami Beach. Today, we went to Sazon to eat. I finally got that tuna without mayonnaise I wanted. The tuna mix already comes with mayonnaise, it doesn’t need extra. For dessert, I had a flan and a piece of mother’s Buñuelo; it is like a type of donut shaped like the number 8 made of yucca. It is delicious, and to die for. It comes nice and hot, straight out of the frying pan. I think I will eat that for dessert the next time we visit. After we finished eating, we went to the park. Along the way, we caught a bunch of Pokemon. We also saw a bit of Mewtwo, but there was nobody there to catch him. The issue is that they rose the price on the parking. As such, it is a bit of a pain to try to get there. At least, we did find easy parking. There has also been some talk about the poisonous algae.

artsy sister,art supplies,stabilo mini

They have not mentioned Miami Beach, but people just hear poison algae, and Florida and they assume all the beaches are tainted. It was fine, more or less. There was just the usual purple and yellow flag. People were bathing nonetheless. Purple warns of dangerous marine life, while yellow means moderate surf or currents. Miami Beach always has the purple flags, and nobody has gotten bitten as of yet. The sharks who live there are usually nocturnal. They hang out near the rocks. As such, if you feel rocks under your feet, there is a napping shark nearby.

I prefer to stay out of the water all together.  One day, I just decided I did not want to swim at the beach and that was that. I do not like fishes. They are all so icky. Moving along, the beach seemed pretty dandy. I think next time we visit, my folks are going to want to enter and swim. I welcome the chance. The only thing that would make it amassing is if Niantic fixed the GPS bugs already. Mother and I have identical phones, and yet her GPS spends most of time lost. The Pokemon Go game relies on GPS data to function. So, no GPS, means no Pokemon Go. It wasn’t always like this. At first it worked dandy, but after they added the second generation pokemon all the problems started. Well, this is just a me issue.

You did not come here to hear me whine about Pokemons and GPS. This is an Art website after all. Though, I prefer to just focus on my own artwork. It gives it a nice feel of originality. The internet is filled with websites about other painters, but there isn’t one that holds my original drawings…for now. So, when you do visit, I hope to offer more banking for your buck. The only thing that keeps me away from an intelligible thought is the terrible heat I am feeling. Even with a fan and the air conditioner, I still feel overheated. It was just too hot outside today. Every step felt like I was weighted down. It is not as if I am out of shape, it is just that there was no wind, and there was plenty of sun. We saw a couple of people walking their dogs at the beach. The silly thing is that the tiny dogs were carried, instead of being allowed to walk about. The only person that was doing the walking was the human. Why take your dog out for a walk if you are not going to let it walk? Anyhow, this is one of the longest blogs I have written as of late.

To go with the summer theme, I offer you this lovely American woman in a sailor suit. This is how sailor suits used to look in the old days. The date exactly if 1890 something. Did you catch the joke? No, oh well. I am more of a visual type of person. Most of my writing I find that it isn’t remotely funny. For those who want to know, the paper I used to draw this anime girl is from Leda Art Supply. I bought a set of notebooks, and I haven’t looked back. The main pens are Stabilo and one Morris Bamboo pen. I would have used all Stabilo pens, but it did not have the shade of brown I needed. For coloring pencils, I used my Art 101 pencils. They get the job done. Lastly, we have my Royal and Langnickel sketching pencil and my pentel eraser. Both are used in the sketching portions of the anime drawing. Once I add the pens, I usually erase the pencil lines. It makes for a smoother, cleaner drawing. It saves on paper to do both the sketch and the final drawing on the same paper. I hope you find this information useful in your Artsy endeavors. I like the word endeavor. Also, even though it is Fall in the rest of the world, it still feels like summer in Florida.

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