French Maiden in a Black Dress circa 1910s

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French Maiden in a Black Dress circa 1910s

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This is just about a new anime drawing and the like. It is a maiden in a Black Dress. I am still working with my website. I will be taking new photos for the products. It will be take a bit of time. I am also working on making Instragram, adding new photos and the like. The anime drawing took only a couple of hours to finish. The pose is nothing too far out there. As of now, I am working on making my own dresses. I am thinking of making a ballerina coffee table book. I do not know much about coffee table books. I think it is the type of thing you find while waiting to see the doctor or something like it. I just thought it would be something humoring for me to draw. As of now, I am just making the dresses. The following thing will focus on getting all the poses. I do not want to repeat a pose.

It might take some time to make this entire collection. Then again, this is all work in progress. I am just a bit mellowed out. Tomorrow, I will be going to a hotel with my peeps. It is part of a birthdate gift. My mom wanted me to do a bit of swimming. I have not swam in a pretty long time. I used to go swimming a lot when I was little. Then again, the availability of the pool was sporadically. I learned to swim about the time when I was 7 or 8. My brother was the first to learn to swim. He then started to teach me how to swim. When I was smaller, I would practice in the shallows. It seemed like an important skill to learn. Most people learn how to swim by taking classes. I suppose there are some chumps who do teach their kids. Then again, in the gym I usually see kids taking classes. I cannot speak for the world and their child rearing hobbies.

artsy sister,art supplies,art

There is just only so much I can bother to remember. Mostly, these little anecdotes about the past is just filler. I am not too big in the mood of sharing things about myself and about my past. I am more than just the things that happened to me. The world doesn’t shape me, for the most part. It took a couple of years for me to finally feel like myself. I was finally able to awaken, when I finally completed school. Sure, I could get a doctorate, but I do not feel like it would help me in the least. I think all knowledge acquisition should be based on its usefulness. Most of the things I learned at University were pretty much useless. I was always going through the motions. First I learn this, to them move onto that. Most of the information that entered my head only lingered, enough to ace the exam to move on with my life.

I am finally now moving on with my life. I never did want to go to school. I feel like I have been robbed of 20 years of my life or something. Society is always like, you have to do this and that. The douches even dictate how you are suppose to learn something. I wouldn’t have mind the whole homeschooling thing. Alas, my mother was not made of money, as such it wasn’t an option. Ideally, once kids learn to read, they can learn everything else by reading. Then again, I am giving too much credit to the little kids. I cannot judge them by my own standards. Well, this is just about everything I feel like writing about. Today is Friday, so let’s move on with a life. The anime drawing features a French girl in a dress made in 1910s. The paper is from a paper pad made by Leda Art Supply. I used a Stabilo pen, a Morris Bamboo pen, and a Royal and Langnickel pencil. I used a Derwent pencil and an Art 101 pencil. For an eraser, I used this pentel eraser. I hope you find this information useful.

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