Leopard Maiden Anime Drawing circa 1900s

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Leopard Maiden Anime Drawing circa 1900s

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This is a relatively new anime drawing and the like. It features a maiden in a leopard costume. I thought she looked interesting and the like. I really should edit out the like and stuff. It takes me a bit to come up with something new to write. I grow more distracted the closer I get to my birthdate. I bought a bunch of stuff from my own store. You will see them in the Artsy Sister’s Choice section. I have not done an update to it for quite some time. I have a couple of stuff that could be useful for that section. Most people tend to find that section useful.  I normally take a lot of pictures to show what you can do with them, and how they look on paper. It is my hope you find it remotely useful. For now, I am still drawing a little bit of a blank. The weekend is closing in and I feel a little bit tired. There is not a lot of sounds one can notice outside my house. Most of the noises are drowned out by the impact windows. They work freaking awesome.

The main issue at the moment is that construction projects just seem to follow us everywhere we go. When we lived in Hialeah, every time a new douche moved in, they ripped their apartment into pieces. They were always remodeling, and they would not enter to live there till it looked gravy. It got even worse when a hag moved in downstairs. She was a pain for reasons I will not go into. The long and short of it, is that we ended up moving to a house. Trust me, regardless of how they sell it to you, Condominiums are the worse places to live in. The association is always stealing money. For example, the last president they had when she croaked, they found out that 40,000 bucks were missing. They would also leave the building without insurance for months at a time, and then they would buy it at the last moment when a Hurricane loomed over the horizon. Who needs that kind of stress? You know what I mean. Anyhow, all the homeowner associations in the US are corrupted. The little people cannot do anything about it, because they use your own money to pay for lawyers.

artsy sister,art supplies,anime drawing

The only way to end it all is to always go live in a house, without an association. I suppose it is easier said than done. All the housing projects as of late are given to the Condominium people. They are a bunch of douches. This brings me back to my current house. As of now, they are building a new house just around the corner. We had seen that plot of land alone for quite some time. After two years, they are finally building something. This works pretty dandy. I never found it to be an eyesore, but I suppose it might have bothered someone. I always toyed with the idea of buying the place, and building a pool. Then again, somethings cannot be helped. I am not made of money, as of yet. I think the real issue with the world as of now is Envy. People do a lot of terrible things because of their envy. Some will even go as far as taking out one of their eyes, to see another person blind. Envy is the ultimate evil in the world. Second to that are lairs.

There is a difference between petit lies, and larger ones. One should judge the evilness of a lie based on how it affects others. If a lie makes a person feel better about their own miserable life, then that lie is good. However, if the lie ruins someone’s life forever, then you are a terrible human being. Lying goes hand in hand with Envy. And in a sea of liars, people who are saying the truth get drowned out. The world is full of all sorts of injustices. So, do not be a liar, and do not Envy others. You are making the world a terrible place to live in. So stop it! Stop it! Ok…sheesh! Anyhow, the drawing features a leopard maiden. I drew her with a number of pens, including Stabilo and Morris Bamboo. I also used a Staedtler pen. For color, I used my Derwent coloursoft pencils. I first drew the lineart with my royal and langnickel pencils. I then erased it with my pentel eraser. I hope you find this information useful in your drawing endeavors. I will be back tomorrow with a new featured anime drawing.

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