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This is just about a new anime drawing and the like. It is a little Harlequin from the 18th century. Harlequin is a stock character from a comedy. I thought her costume was really cute and the like. I am just mellowed out because I woke up a bit too early. I just wanted to be a little tea cup, short and stuff. I did the drawing with pens and coloring pencils. I have been desiring to scan and put all my cute dress drawings into a book. Print books are still somewhat of a thing. The internet is not...

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art, drawing -

Today, we were finally able to head out. The day was just too nice looking in order to stay at home comfortable numb. When I say comfortably numb, I just refer to staying at home and watching some bad TV. Most of the TV as of late is terrible. The only thing we see is Telemundo news. Mom likes to watch the news, to see how the weather is hanging. The rest of the show is composed of douches talking bad about the president, and the traffic girl looking pretty. Recently, we saw one of the best commercials in history....

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anime girl, art, drawing -

Today is a relatively nice day so far. The weather is not good for heading out. As of late, I have been feeling a bit homely. There isn’t a place that I particularly want to do to. The issue is that we picked our furniture for comfort. As such, when you sit down on the sofa, you are pretty much glued to it. Still, I do get up from time to time. Today is clean up time. My people tend to clean the house every Saturday. This leaves plenty of time on Sunday to just do whatever. Normally, I hear...

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anime, drawing -

Don’t you just hate it when you have a relatively nice day, followed by a super annoying one? I am just caught in the middle of one of those little events. Yesterday, everything was peachy. I ate spaghetti for dinner, and then at night, we went to eat ice cream. Needless to say, we had thrown the diet out the window.  While my mother was hanging out in Blue Martini, I was with my bro catching Pokemon. It is what I would call a good day. Keep this in mind, I am a bit of a mild amusement kind of...

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anime girl, drawing -

This is about my new anime drawing and the like. The drawing is relatively old. I am still planning my new painting. Then again, yesterday I felt like working on my manga. My brother has also been working on it as well. We had a bit of a problem with it. Brother waited a long time before getting around to it. As such, when he started writing the dialogue, nobody could remember what the characters were saying. In the end, we had to make something up. I lost some of my story notes in the move. Don’t you just hate...

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