Russian Maiden in a blue Dress circa 1890

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Russian Maiden in a blue Dress circa 1890

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Today is a relatively nice day so far. The weather is not good for heading out. As of late, I have been feeling a bit homely. There isn’t a place that I particularly want to do to. The issue is that we picked our furniture for comfort. As such, when you sit down on the sofa, you are pretty much glued to it. Still, I do get up from time to time. Today is clean up time. My people tend to clean the house every Saturday. This leaves plenty of time on Sunday to just do whatever. Normally, I hear that people do spring cleaning. We do Saturday cleaning. We do not wait till spring to get the house in working order. Most people might consider us neat freaks, but we have a phobia of the Gregor Samsa. If you do not know who that is, it is an obscure reference to the monster from Metamorphosis. The book is pretty messed up around the edges. It shows the indifference of family members who hate on the fellow provider when he can no longer work. They were even glad when he died, and stopped being a burden on them.

It is a standing any type of crippling illness or accident. I am not a big fan of the way people show sickness in books. They are usually, pois and meek, or a complete douche. Most of those books were written by people who were never sick, once in their life. There are some notable exceptions to this. I am not alien to illnesses, and neither was Kafka. The guy spent most of life indoors, getting sick all the time. So, he was familiar with all the behaviors people showed towards sick people. Most of his books are all pretty disturbing. He is not my favorite writer, and sometimes his stories are a bit of a heel. Not all his work are solid gold, or even bronze. Only his most famous work is passable, as far as I am concerned. It is also not the sort of book you will like reread. You only need to read it once, in order to remember it forever. This is just some of the things I think about from time to time, whenever I see one of those creepy crawlies making its way through our living room floor.

 artsy sister,stabilo,art supplies

We can go for weeks without running into one. Still, when you see one of those Gregors, it is bound to ruin your dinner. They are usually more visible at night. Still, it is the price one has to pay for living with a garden. You can always see them scurrying outside at night. Sure, you could try spraying for them in the garden. I however prefer to stick to good old boric acid. It only kills them, and it leaves the caterpillars alone. We have a nice colony of butterflies. From  time to time, we even see the rare Giant Yellow Butterfly. It is the largest butterfly in Florida. It is as big as the palm of your hand. I like butterflies. Most of the douches have the bad habit of killing their caterpillars. They think they are gross bugs. They do not know they turn into the pretty butterflies. We have a nice variety of colors. They also pollinate our flowers. We have a nice growth of flowering threes. They have proliferated somewhat because we have allowed them to grow. It is also nice that the rains have been so common.

It has worked wonders on the garden. We are not a big fan of irrigation. The process water from the hose has plenty of chemicals that tend to ruin the soil quality. We all know a bit of farming in our household. Mother planted last year those plants you buy for Xmas. They took well to the soil, and they are going to look wonderful for this Christmas. As of now, I am pretty much done with all the cleaning I was planning to do. I dusted off the house, while brother vacuumed and mother then passes the mop. Most people tend to buy that bonafide to clean the wooden floor. It works just find with water a bit of cleaning solution. With damp applications, we have managed to maintain the floor clean, without getting warped. Then again, I was never a big fan of wooden floors. I am more of a tile type of person. I would change it, but people here be all about wooden floors. We do not plan on living here forever. Eventually, we might have to move because of reasons. We do not know what the future holds, and that is just dandy. I suppose this brings me back to my drawing. I tend to design the poses from real life photos and old paintings. Old paintings are good for poses, because the painters used to sketch from life. Anyhow, the paper is from Leda Art Supply. They have some good quality sketchbooks. The pens are Stabilo and Morris Bamboo. I first drew the line art with my Royal and langnickel pencil. I then used Art 101 and Derwent coloring pencils for the rest. I hope you find this information useful.

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