Anime Drawing of a Girl in a British Dress circa 1200s

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Anime Drawing of a Girl in a British Dress circa 1200s

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Don’t you just hate it when you have a relatively nice day, followed by a super annoying one? I am just caught in the middle of one of those little events. Yesterday, everything was peachy. I ate spaghetti for dinner, and then at night, we went to eat ice cream. Needless to say, we had thrown the diet out the window.  While my mother was hanging out in Blue Martini, I was with my bro catching Pokemon. It is what I would call a good day. Keep this in mind, I am a bit of a mild amusement kind of person. While most people scoff, at mildness, I find the sensation to be rather pleasant. While there, we also met a couple of peeps who were doing the same thing at night. We traded friend codes, which is dandy, in case we run into each other at raid bosses. It is useful to run into people who share your same routes. Anyhow, when we came to the car, we noticed that a good number of birds had pooped on it.

All was peachy, and we went home, and then we went to sleep. The following day, I was awaken by noises, and whisperings. Mother was still at home, which was unusual. Normally, she gets up early to go to work. It turns out that the stupid car had a flat tire. First, my brother tried changing the tire, which was an unsuccessful attempt. Our Vietnam veteran neighbor also tried, and failed, bless his heart for caring about our mundane problems. We had to get one of those memberships, in order for some fellow to come fix the car. It had been almost a decade since we had a car problem, so we had stopped bothering about the membership. The car is now fixed, which is dandy. My mother had a bizarre call from her manager too. I guess they had some devious plans against her. For some reason, mother inspires a lot of hate in her work. Her vulgar coworkers just hate someone who is nice, polite, and has a little something called manners.

She gets bullied often in her work, while the owner promotes those who are mean to her. Had I a bit more money, I would sue their behinds. Lawsuits are the only way to get any semblance of justice in this country. Otherwise, people just go about stepping on the little guys. It is not the first time, mother’s workplace had a lawsuit thrown against them. They are douches, with their modern corporate ways and all their intangible benefits. The people who work the least get promoted, while those who work hard barely get a pat in the back. This my friends is the reason why most companies in the US fail miserably. They are always following Machiavelli. I know this because I took a business management class at University. I know that is called college here in the US, but I prefer saying University.

artsy sister,anime girl,anime wallpaper

Anyhow, the teacher was slobbering all over that douche. If this is what they teach all other owners, then I am not surprised that there is so much internal corruption. Another favorite philosopher of business majors is the Leviathan chump. I do not know why business majors read so much philosophy. Those philosophers lived in a time where their economies was based on conquest. Their economic model no where near resembles modern day capitalism. I say, put away those philosophical books, and actually study today’s businesses. See what are the key practices and values they used to become a success, and also be open to change with the times. Do not be a cheap bastard. I have always thought you should pay a fellow enough to care. Well, this is enough about  business majors and debates. It is all part of the reason why my family keeps sabotaging my attempts to get a normal day job.

If you read my bio in this website, you know I have a Bachelor in Journalism. As far as my career is concerned, I am already doomed because I wasn’t born with a package. I wasn’t pretty or submissive enough for Telemundo. You can see their priorities based on the looks of the traffic report chick. Then again, I am waging a one woman war against cosmetic surgery and hair salons. They have warped the natural beauty of women. They are making themselves rich out of women’s low self-esteem. Women should never change themselves for men or to impress other women for that matter. The moment you started doing that, you gave up whatever little power you had gained in the women’s rights movement. Men should be happy they even get an eyelash from you.

The only good self-improvement that I approve is eating right, and exercising. You should take care of your health. It isn’t healthy to mutilate your body. If you wish to learn more, read the Manga Helter Skelter by Kyoko Okazaki. It about sums up my ideas about plastic surgery as an industry. What does this have to do with my anime drawing? Absolutely nothing. As I said before. It is just a point of contemplation. IF you do not know what that is, take a religious class on Hinduism. The drawing features a maiden in a white dress, circa 1200s.  The drawing was made on a Leda Art Supply notebook. I first drew the lineart with my H2 pencil, from Royal and Langnickel. I then used my Stabilo and my Morris Bamboo pens to color in the lines. I then erased the pencil lines, before adding the color pencils. The coloring pencils I used are Derwent and Art 101 pencils. The eraser is from Pentel. It is my hope you find this information remotely useful.

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