hollow knight RSS

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I did a poll for a Horror game themed fanart. The crossover winner was Doki Doki. My fans want a Doki doki style Hollow knight fanart. This is what I plan to deliver. I decided to settle with jazzing up the 4 maidens, by replacing them with Hollow knight characters. Sayori is going to be the Traitor’s child. Monica is Bapanada.  Nobody will ever suspect that Bapanada is the evil one. The other two are Hornet and Emilitia. Hornet seems like the stabby type. While Natsuki and Emilitia seem to have a similar personality type. This is all the thoughts...

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fanart, game, hollow knight, painting -

I did a new Hollow knight fanart. My fans voted for the Phantasm. This is what I made. I remember seeing that movie once. It was a long time ago. I think it was about making it through obstacles. I forget. The spiky balls are the thing that I remember the most. I chose as the main bad guy the Pale King. His Queen is holding a fun knife. The other elements are the sealed vessel and the Chibi knight falling into a trap. He is actually called ghost, but I prefer to call him Chibi.    It was quite...

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I did a new Hollow knight fanart. It is Hornet and Quirrel, but in the X-Files. Quirrel wants to believe. Meanwhile, Hornet is the skeptic.  I took care to give her the Dana Scully Cross. It is a small detail. It is till fun, nonetheless. This old TV show was the winner of the poll.  So, I made this fanart. It works well for me. I needed to make this fanart quickly. There is a Hurricane coming. This one look like it might hit my home. So, I needed to rearrange my schedule to account for the lights turning off....

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fanart, game, games, halloween, hollow knight, painting -

It is time for Halloween. It isn’t Halloween yet. We are just starting with October. So, I decided to make spooky fanarts. I had folks pick from 4 classical scary movies. The winner of the poll was the Mummy. I looked through all the Hollow Knight enemies until I found a mummy. The entombed husk is the mummy character of the game.  Playing the damsel in distress is Emilitia. I use her often whenever I want to make a curvy hollow knight character. I hope that this fanart makes you smile. There is going to be a video of this...

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fanart, game, hollow knight, humor, painting -

I did a new Hollow knight poll. The winner was the hospital. My fans what the hollow knight characters to go to the hospital. This is what I came up with after meditating a little. It is the hollow knight being taken to the hospital by Quirrel and Hornet.  The nurses and doctor are the Mantis Lords. It makes sense since they survived the weird radiance plague. Well, most of the survived. I hope that you find the silly little fanart amusing. I tried my best as all. There is going to be a video of this fanart soon. It...

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