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Last week, I did a poll to decide the type of Hollow Knight fanart I was going to make. The winners of for this week where the Nailmasters. I gave myself a bit of a leeway as far as the nature of the fanart.   After looking at a bunch of paintings and movie posters, I decided to dress the Nailmasters like the Three Musketeers. The actual painting is called Discussing the Day’s Shoot. It was made by Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel. The painting gave me some Musketeer vibes.   So, this is what I what I ended up doing. It...

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I did a new Hollow Knight fanart. Before making it, I did a little poll in youtube to decide which characters to draw. The winners of the poll ended up being the Mantis Lords. Since it was Christmas, I chose to make a reference to the Nutcracker.   This is the Waltz of the Flowers. The Mantis Lords are dancing this waltz while wearing lovely outfits. I found a good reference photo for this fanart. I think it ended up looking rather cool. The big sister already did her solo.   Now, it is time for her twin little sisters...

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Christmas, fanart, game, hollow knight, movie, movies, poster -

I made a new Christmas themed Hollow Knight fanart. This time I did a parody of the movie poster of A Nightmare Before Christmas. This time it is A Nightmare King Before Christmas. Playing the role of Jack Skellington is the Nightmare King.   Sally is played by Emilitia. Zero is the Grimm Child. The others are played by Zote, Chibi and Hornet. It was not a very complicated drawing. It was fun to draw the characters in different outfits. Grimm’s tuxedo looks pretty interesting.   This is the second time the Nightmare King appears in a Christmas Fanart. The...

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Christmas, fanart, game, hollow knight, movie, movies, painting, poster -

Today, I did a new Hollow Knight Christmas fanart. I chose to reference the movie classic White Christmas. I saw that old movie a long time ago. They just don’t make good movie musicals anymore. I have a thing for old movies. I make Hollow Knight fanarts of them from time to time. In this one, I had Hornet, Quirrel, the Collector and Emilitia as the two main couples of the movie. The movie poster also showed a sled with two horses. I added the Nightmare Grimm in the background, with two Grimmsteeds. That area needed a dab of red....

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fanart, game, games, hollow knight, movie, movies, painting, poster -

Christmas is just around the corner. So, I decided to do an Xmas Hollow knight fanart. I chose the movie Home Alone for my parody. This time it is Hornet who is Home Alone. She sees in the window two robbers that are about to break into her house.   Hornet fights with silk and spikes. So, she seems like a good trap expert. For the Wet Bandits, I chose Lace and Sharpe. Both are bosses from Silksong. They had the perfect look for this fanart. Lace’s weapon even resembles a crowbar. Instead of a flashlight, I drew one of...

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