painting RSS

alcohol ink, painting -

  I made new Aurora Borealis ink art. This time I used my white paper. I wanted to try to vary the feel of it. I wasn’t certain if it was going to work better with black or white paper.   The first two paintings I made it with black paper. The ones featured in this blog were done with white. The papers and inks I used where provided by Pixiss.   You can find those art supplies in my Artsy Sister’s Choice collection. Just look for the product that are next to bjd dolls. Let us move along, shall...

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acrylic, painting -

I made a new acrylic painting. I was going for a bit of a leafy feel to it. I started by painting three blocks. One red, one blue and the other purple. This helps me vary the background for my doll photoshoots. I sprayed white alcohol ink to give it a bit of a texture.   This removed some of the homogeny in the background. I painted a leafy pattern in the middle with purple acrylics. In the other two sides, I painted two stylized flowers. After looking at the painting, I felt that there was something missing.   To...

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alcohol ink, painting -

I made two new ink arts. They are themed after winter. I chose the Aurora Borealis motif. I used the black paper to make the paintings. Both the paper and ink were made by pixiss.   I have been making a lot of painting just using those art supplies. In the first painting, I added a lot of rubbing alcohol. I cascaded the white ink. It served as a base to add the colored inks. I made two simple colored waves.   I added a bit of white ink spray to create stars. Once, I was satisfied with the look...

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game, hollow knight, painting -

I did a new poll in Youtube. The winner of the poll was Hornet. So, this is why I made a fanart of her. I wanted to give my followers a chance to dictate an aspect of my fanarts. They get to choose who gets the Artsy Sister treatment. After looking at a bunch of paintings and movie posters, I chose to parody this Marilyn Monroe movie poster. In this poster, Marilyn is wearing red. She is just the perfect stand in for Hornet. So, I drew a closeup and a faraway view of Hornet.   It was a bit...

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alcohol ink, painting -

I made new ink art. In both paintings, I used my silver and gold paint. I am starting to run out of this ink. I am also in a position where I cannot thin out the ink anymore.   There is now more alcohol than pigment. So, I am officially running out of the fancy ink. I suppose there are some things that cannot be helped.   They had a good run. I was able to extend those pigments for a pretty long time. Now, all that is left is for me to work with what I still have. The...

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Artsy's Choice