painting RSS

ballerina, ballet, cute, fanart, game, games, hollow knight, painting -

I did a new Hollow Knight fanart. Before making it, I did a little poll in youtube to decide which characters to draw. The winners of the poll ended up being the Mantis Lords. Since it was Christmas, I chose to make a reference to the Nutcracker.   This is the Waltz of the Flowers. The Mantis Lords are dancing this waltz while wearing lovely outfits. I found a good reference photo for this fanart. I think it ended up looking rather cool. The big sister already did her solo.   Now, it is time for her twin little sisters...

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baldur's gate 3, fanart, game, games, painting -

I finally worked up the energy to make my first Astarion fanart. I was a bit hesitant about it. I do not normally make realistic faces. I make Hollow Knight fanarts. For my first time, I think I ended up making a fine looking Astarion. It was a pretty difficult drawing to make.   The lineart alone took me a couple of hours to make. I chose to dress Astarion like Albrecht Durer. Durer made this self-portrait for his fiancée, as a form of courtship. The thistle in his hand is a sign of virility.   So, this flower works...

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alcohol ink, painting -

I made new ink art. The theme is still Christmas. This time I am using my round paper to make xmas ornament looking paintings. The paper and ink are pixiss. I have been getting a lot of millage out of those art supplies.   In order to extend the colors, I add rubbing alcohol into the little bottles. I then shake them before using them again. I took both wet and dry photos of my paintings.   I also photographed two painting details. I also made a video of my art. You can see it both in Tiktok and Youtube....

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acrylic, painting -

I made a new background for Doll Theater. I went for an abstract city feel to it. This wasn’t what I had in mind. It just ended up looking like that. I used a project board to make this painting. I often paint both sides of the project board. It saves me the trouble of buying extra backgrounds. The back part of the project board was brown, and it had writing. So, I had to add a layer of gesso in order to paint on top of it. I colored the white gesso in order to save a couple of...

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alcohol ink, painting -

I made two new ink arts. I got bored of painting snowflakes. So, I decided to change up the theme. This time I painted xmas ornaments.   I had some round paper. This worked well with the theme. The paper and inks were made by pixiss. I also made Youtube and Tiktok videos of my art.   So, you can check that out if you prefer to see a video, instead of a blog. I also photographed the wet and dry versions of the paintings.   The ink tends to lighten up a bit when it dries. So, keep that...

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