Ink Art: Xmas Orbs Paintings

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Ink Art: Xmas Orbs Paintings

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I made new ink art. The theme is still Christmas. This time I am using my round paper to make xmas ornament looking paintings.

The paper and ink are pixiss. I have been getting a lot of millage out of those art supplies.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

In order to extend the colors, I add rubbing alcohol into the little bottles.

I then shake them before using them again. I took both wet and dry photos of my paintings.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I also photographed two painting details. I also made a video of my art.

You can see it both in Tiktok and Youtube. This is for folks that prefer to see videos instead of reading a blog.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

Now, it is time to talk about my paintings in specific.

The first one I tried to make an interesting round pattern.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

The blue ended up being a little too strong. So, I had to work around it.

I added silver lines to add points of interest.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

It was a good thing that the blue got a little lighter when it dried.

It was looking a tad black. In the second painting, I attempted a plaid pattern.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I used all the Christmas colors. I think it ended up looking rather nice.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

The red migrated a bit as it dried. All in all, everything stayed where it was supposed to.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

This is the reason why I take two photographs.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

It is to study how paint dries. The more I study. The more I learn. I think I ranted enough about my Artwork.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

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