painting RSS

alcohol ink, painting -

  I made new ink art. This time I used my black paper. The paper and ink were made by Pixiss. With black paper, I usually oversaturate it with rubbing alcohol.   This allows the ink to flow a lot easier. I made videos of both paintings. You can see them in my Youtube and Tiktok Artsy Sister channels.   Now, let us talk about the paintings in specific. The one with two snowflakes I made it by spraying white. Once the background was nice and lively, I used white ink to draw the snowflakes.   I then painted over...

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alcohol ink, Christmas, painting -

  I made new snowflake art. It seemed like something fun to do this Christmas season. Snowflakes are pretty universals. So, I hope you find this type of artwork amusing.   I used pixiss ink and paper. I also saturated the papers with alcohol ink at lot. This helped the ink flow. I also took photos of the wet and dry versions.   I also photographed two painting details. Normally, I photograph three painting details. Since the round papers are small, I was only able to photograph two painting details.   I can’t zoom in too much. The camera gets...

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acrylic, flower, flowers, painting -

I made a new background for Doll Theater. This is just what I call my bjd doll photoshoots. I went for a bit of a vogue type of look. I started by making black lines. I used blue tape to make the perfect black lines. I added a bit of a splash spray effect to give if a more galaxy look. When I felt that there was something missing, I added glitter. In the sides, I made some heart shaped glitter patterns. In the middle, I did my palm prints. After removing the tape, it was time to add the...

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Christmas, fanart, game, hollow knight, movie, movies, painting, poster -

Today, I did a new Hollow Knight Christmas fanart. I chose to reference the movie classic White Christmas. I saw that old movie a long time ago. They just don’t make good movie musicals anymore. I have a thing for old movies. I make Hollow Knight fanarts of them from time to time. In this one, I had Hornet, Quirrel, the Collector and Emilitia as the two main couples of the movie. The movie poster also showed a sled with two horses. I added the Nightmare Grimm in the background, with two Grimmsteeds. That area needed a dab of red....

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painting, self portrait, watercolor -

I made two new sets of watercolor paintings. I first drew it with pencil. I traced over it with ink. I erased the pencil lines, before adding the watercolors. The ink helps me control the watercolor paints. The first painting mimics the style of Otto Dix. He was a German painter who survived through two world wars.   Most of his work are landscape and portraits. After both wors, he got into making religious and post war suffering paintings. I chose this simple painting to do my self-portrait. I found a photo of myself in a red dress. All that...

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