Ink Art: Silver Copper Snowflakes Paintings

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Ink Art: Silver Copper Snowflakes Paintings

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 artsy sister, ink, painting

I made new ink art. This time I used my black paper. The paper and ink were made by Pixiss.

With black paper, I usually oversaturate it with rubbing alcohol.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

This allows the ink to flow a lot easier. I made videos of both paintings.

You can see them in my Youtube and Tiktok Artsy Sister channels.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

Now, let us talk about the paintings in specific. The one with two snowflakes I made it by spraying white.

Once the background was nice and lively, I used white ink to draw the snowflakes.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I then painted over them with copper and silver ink. At the final moment, I decided to Bob Ross it.

I added a final spray of white ink. It looked better how it was before, but I got greedy.

 artsy sister, painting, ink arts

Oh! Well. The final painting features a single snowflake.

I sprayed the background with white ink.

 artsy sister, painting, ink art

I then added droplets of yellow and blue ink.

Afterwards, I drew the snowflake.

 artsy sister, paitning, ink arts

First with white ink and then with silver ink.

All in all, it was an interesting effort.

 artsy sister, painting, ink arts

Once the paints dried, the final snowflake ended up looking pretty cool.

 artsy sister, snowflakes, ink

I think I ranted enough about my paintings.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister, painting, ink arts

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