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cute, fanart, game, games, hollow knight, painting -

I did a new Hollow Knight Poll. The winner of that Poll was the Dreamer Monomon. I struggled a bit to come up with a new fanart for this character. After looking at a bunch of paintings and movie posters, I came up with this. I drew a painting parody of this surrealism painting by Dali. It is called Ballerina in a Death’s Head. When I saw this painting, I fancied that it would make a good Monomon Fanart. Both have similar head dresses and skirts. I think I did the fanart alright. From far away, you can kind of...

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alcohol ink, painting -

I made new ink art themed After Valentine’s day. This time I focused on gift ideas. It is a bit of a cliché. Still, I made roses and a chocolate box ink art. I used pixiss ink and paper.   I chose black paper to make these artworks. I started by spraying the paper with white ink. This would allow the colored inks to be visible against the black backgrounds.   The inks pigments are a little transparent. So, they need a little extra help for them to stand out. In the first painting, I drew the rose pattern with...

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alcohol ink, painting -

  It is a little bit too early to make Valentine’s Day art. Still, I figured I would get around to it. I looked at some reference material. I didn’t want to just draw a bunch of hearts for Valentine’s Day.   That isn’t creative. I settled for painting a couple handholding. The other painting features a kiss. Both paintings were made by Pixiss ink and paper. I used the biggest paper I had available to make these artworks.   I didn’t saturate the paper with rubbing alcohol. I felt like making a dot type of painting. If I saturate...

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acrylic, painting -

I made a new background for my doll theater. The theme is Dia de los Muertos. I painted three giant skulls. I added a few background elements. I then painted the skulls. I used my best glitter in the making of this painting. I first drew the main elements with a pencil.   I painted over it with a metallic marker. I painted the black areas next. I used the rainbow color glitter in the black area. Along the way, I ran out of it. So, I had to make use with something else. You cannot tell much by the...

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fanart, game, games, hollow knight, painting -

I did a new Hollow Knight poll. The winner of the poll where the Nailmasters. The last time I painted the nailmasters, folks asked me about the Nailsage. My fans were slightly peeved that he wasn’t included in the artwork. This time I found a way to integrate him into the drawing in a way that made “sense”.   So, I did a Hollow Knight parody of Three Men and a Baby. Sly is the baby in the movie poster. He is just small enough to play the role. Now, all the Nailmasters appear in the poster. This is also...

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