Hollow Knight Monomon Dali Surrealism Painting Parody

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Hollow Knight Monomon Dali Surrealism Painting Parody

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I did a new Hollow Knight Poll. The winner of that Poll was the Dreamer Monomon. I struggled a bit to come up with a new fanart for this character.

After looking at a bunch of paintings and movie posters, I came up with this. I drew a painting parody of this surrealism painting by Dali. It is called Ballerina in a Death’s Head.

When I saw this painting, I fancied that it would make a good Monomon Fanart. Both have similar head dresses and skirts. I think I did the fanart alright. From far away, you can kind of see a skull.

Monomon went into an eternal sleep to keep Radiance from spreading the plague. If she ever leaves the dream world, she will die and Radiance will be one step closer to escaping.

If you are a Hollow Knight fan, you already know that. I hope you find this new fanart amusing. There isn’t much to say about this fanart. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.   


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