Hollow Knight Three Men and a Baby Movie Poster Parody

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Hollow Knight Three Men and a Baby Movie Poster Parody

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I did a new Hollow Knight poll. The winner of the poll where the Nailmasters. The last time I painted the nailmasters, folks asked me about the Nailsage.

My fans were slightly peeved that he wasn’t included in the artwork. This time I found a way to integrate him into the drawing in a way that made “sense”.

 artsy sister, hollow knight, fanart

So, I did a Hollow Knight parody of Three Men and a Baby. Sly is the baby in the movie poster. He is just small enough to play the role.

Now, all the Nailmasters appear in the poster. This is also the first time that they sport something close to a tux.

 artsy sister, hollow knight, fanart

Folks seem to like it when I dress up the Hollow Knight characters in different outfits. I started with the pencil art. I added ink.

After erasing the pencil lines, I fed the lineart into photoshop. The rest was just about getting the base colors.

 artsy sister, hollow knight, fanart

This was followed by the shading and then we are done. I was going for humor as far as this movie poster parody is concerned. I hope that it makes you smile.

I think I ranted enough about my new drawing. I hope you find it amusing. You should also check out the silly movie. I watched it once.

I still have fond memories of the flick. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister, hollow knight, fanart

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