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bar, photo -

This photo shows the bar of a restaurant we visited while in St. Augustine. It was near the historical fort. The tour guide from hell suggested we visited the place. He was tired of walking and so we had to stop there. It was not a half bad place. It had plenty of cookie decorations. I never drink, but I can appreciate the work put into this bar. I cannot say the date of the bar. It could be modern or from the 50s. Everything in that city was old. At least there is plenty to look at with the...

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photo, st. augustine -

St. Augustine is the oldest city in the US. It was founded in 1565. It is full of old architecture. It makes you appreciate the colonial buildings. A lot of them look perfect even after 400 years. Modern builders need to take lessons from the past. Most buildings made after the years 1900s have fallen already. A good portion were destroyed by man's hands, but the rest have pretty much fallen on their own.  There has been a disassociation between architects and physicist. Now people who design most buildings focus too much on the look and not whether they are...

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boat, miami beach, photo -

Miami Beach is such a great looking place. Pity that it has jerks making decisions about the place. Recently, there was a law that passed that hotels could make beaches private. They own everything piece of beach before them, except for the wet sand. The hilarious thing about it is that you need to get through their wet sand to making it to the beach. There is a hotel in like every square patch of sand. So, now Miami Beach is only for foreigners staying in the hotels, not for the locals. It's a good thing I took plenty of...

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camera, night, photo -

A couple of years ago I bought a new camera, a Fujifilm Finepix. It had a times 50 optical zoom power. I bought it because I wanted to take night photos without a tripod. As such, I thought that a stronger length would work. It works most of the time. Lately, it seems we live in the shaky camera era. All the movies are done with hand held cameras. The issue with that method is that people's hands tend to shake. As such I recommend knee held camera, or head held cameras. When I want to steady my camera, I...

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interior, photo -

This is one of the my old photos that I took during my trip to Cartagena, Colombia. Tourist visit there all the time. Coiling around the mountain or whatever, are the Colombia equivalent of the favela. It was nice of our tour guide not to pretend that they were not there. Most tour guides then to offer the glamorized version of the history of a certain place. Tourists prefers the pretty version. Many get upset when they hear the truth. They be like, "I am on vacation, I don't want a bummer trip." When I visited Honduras, Rotan the tour...

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