St. Augustine Entrance

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St. Augustine Entrance

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St. Augustine is the oldest city in the US. It was founded in 1565. It is full of old architecture. It makes you appreciate the colonial buildings. A lot of them look perfect even after 400 years. Modern builders need to take lessons from the past. Most buildings made after the years 1900s have fallen already. A good portion were destroyed by man's hands, but the rest have pretty much fallen on their own. 

There has been a disassociation between architects and physicist. Now people who design most buildings focus too much on the look and not whether they are feasible or not. To make a proper building one needs both. The building has to last, and it has to look pretty. Lately, they focus on the first and ignore the latter. I also hate postmodern building designs. Their "futuristic" aesthetic are an eyesore. It's very rare to see a new building that looks even half decent. 

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