Miami Beach Night Photo and on Handheld Cameras

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Miami Beach Night Photo and on Handheld Cameras

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A couple of years ago I bought a new camera, a Fujifilm Finepix. It had a times 50 optical zoom power. I bought it because I wanted to take night photos without a tripod. As such, I thought that a stronger length would work. It works most of the time. Lately, it seems we live in the shaky camera era. All the movies are done with hand held cameras.

The issue with that method is that people's hands tend to shake. As such I recommend knee held camera, or head held cameras. When I want to steady my camera, I find a solid spot. If It do not find it, I sit down and use my knees or my elbows. Once you have both anchored on point, you can take the shot. 

This is one of the few ways to take a night photo that does not odd. Those who have taken photos with a shaky hand know how the picture ends ups. At times, it might be fun to do this on purpose. Just overexpose the camera and move it about like a madman in the middle of the night. It's fun to see what sort of a mess comes out at the end. 

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