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miami beach, photo, review, travel -

Yesterday, I was in a children's birthdate party. It was the first birthdate of the great granddaughter of one of mom's friends. I went with my family to the party in a banquet hall, even though it was pouring. We were one of the firsts to arrive in spite of the fact that we were half an hour late. The party was rather pleasant, decent food and good company. It was pouring too much, so I did not bring my big camera. Also, they had an official photographer, so I did not want to crowd the place. The interesting thing...

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photo, travel -

Today is another one of those days where I am drawing a bit of a blank. It is sometimes hard to be creative and to endure, when you just don't feel like it. I suppose when I am scrapping, I should return to the classics. People usually talk about their influences or whatever. I suppose I should mention my outside influences in my work. I am normally very influenced by everything that was on TV when I was small. From time to time, I dream about it. There was but a few shows that I perceived as interesting. This was...

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review, travel -

This is a view from the hotel room of the Eden Rock. We had originally stayed in the Nobu, which was a bit more expensive. The photo was taken just after Hurricane Irma. The beach was more or less and mess, and there were signs of previous flooding all over the city. The sand had gotten everywhere. One could only imagine the levels of surf. Anyhow, after the hurricane, the rates were pretty low. We decided to stay in the hotel because the lights were off back home. It was a really hot fall season. A lot of old peopled...

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photo, travel -

The photo features the lobby of the Ambar green. I am drawing a bit of a blank. Man, I am currently being a bit distracted by a new package that I got. I decided to do the paints with glitter. I am going to mix the varnish with the glitter I just ordered. Man, I am really drawing a blank here. Frankly, I am in a bit of a painting kind of mood. However, I cannot bring myself to neglect the website. It still needs plenty of work, and I am the only fellow who can manage it. It is...

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This is another one of the photos I took of Punta Cana. It is a bit of a Rock Garden. Rock gardens use rocks instead of those red sticks. I am trying to remember the name of that thing. Don't you hate when you forget a very simple word? It is something that you see every day. However, when you sit down to write, you forget all about it. Man, I just hate when your mind starts to go sour like that. Well, it is a little bit early for me to worry about it. Lately, I have been drawing...

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