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florida, food, foodies, miami, photo, photos, review, travel -

Today we were going to go out to eat Sushi. When we arrived at the Sushi place, we saw some police cars outside. It was then when we noticed that the entire mall was dark. We circled around the mall, and we found the broken power line. Since the Sushi place was closed, we decided to visit the nearest restaurant that had food that we actually liked. We were not planning to go to Mojitos, but I am glad we ended up going there. The last time we visited the restaurant was in 2019. The restaurant survived the Pandemic. It...

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anime, cute, drawing -

This is a cute little pose I got from a maiden on surfboard. It seemed like a good practice drawing. I try to draw something once a week in order not to lose practice. I have as of lately become more writing oriented. The books just get done a lot faster as all. This week it rained a lot, so I did absolutely nothing. Well, that is not totally true. I played around with my dolls for a bit, while I pondered the deeper meaning of the universe. I hope you like my new drawing. Bye. Artsy Sister, over and...

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I wanted to do something a little different for the dolly blog of the week. I chose 4 bjd dolls who will compete with one another to see who wears the dress the best.   The one who gets the most points wins bragging rights. In this blog, I have no way of keeping track of your answers. I might post this same question in my social media. Once, I get proper results, I will do an update on this blog, to tell you how it went. Anyhow, I chose 8 dresses in Total. The participants were chosen based on...

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dessert, food, foodies, miami beach, photo, photos, review, travel -

Yesterday, I went with my family to eat in Sazon. I had not gone to that restaurant in more than a year. I was curious to see how the menu had changed. We used to visit it on a weekly basis before we moved. Right now, Miami Beach is a bit too far away from my home. The road to the place is as confusing as ever.   The roads in Miami Beach are being fixed for the hundredths time. They were fixing the roads last year, and they are still doing the same thing this year. What a mess....

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anime, drawing, pose -

I did a new anime drawing. It is just one of those practice pose drawings. I got a bit of a slow start for my next Scary Cat book. The kitty cat is going to be visiting a mansion. I am going to focus on nice blues and grey colors. I think it will add a nice spooky ambience to the book. Plus, red ink is expensive. So, that is something to consider. I was remembering a funny monologue about that. This is about it as far as my nonsense is concerned. I hope you find my new practice pose...

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