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bjd, doll, photo, photos -

I finally got around to taking photos of my Gregory in his new outfit. The outfit, the shoes and the wig are from Dollmore. I recently found out that my doll can wear the wigs of my MDS dolls. He has a bit of a small head, more the pity.   On the upside, now he resembles Bucciarati. If you do not know who that is, just get with the program!! He is a character from the 5th Arc of Jojo’s Bizarre adventure.   According to Reddit, my doll with the new wig and outfit resembles Bucciariti. Even the outfit...

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anime, drawing, pose -

I made a simple little drawing. It features a sleeping maiden. I had a decent among of interesting dreams here and there. Aside from my practice drawing, I got two new pages done on the manga. It will get done when it gets done. There is a hurricane coming to Florida. Even with it far away, we are starting to get the heavy rains. We trimmed the trees a bit here and there, but there is only so much one can do with a small ladder. Anyhow, I hope you find this drawing amusing. Bye.

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bjd, doll, photo, photos -

Today, I finally got around to making a new bjd doll photoshoot. I have a clean bill of health. So, I felt like playing with the dolls. I wanted to wait for the illness to pass before touching any of my dolls. I didn’t want them to become sick. All joking aside, I didn’t want to have to disinfect the dolls.   It took about two weeks for this whole thing to blow over. My mom got sick while at work, and then she brought it home. I am fine, everyone is fine.   It was bound to happen sooner...

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anime, drawing, pose -

This is another one of my silly poses. I like to practice drawing from time to time. It is important to try to draw often in order not to lose practice. Other than these silly drawings, I have been working on painting a new background for my bjd doll photoshoots. This is going to be an interior type of kitchen place. I had a box that wasn’t doing anything important, so I felt like painting it. One it is finished; you are going to see it in future bjd doll photoshoots. I hope you like my new anime drawing. Bye.

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anime, drawing, sketch -

It has been a while since I last published something on the website. The reason for it is Covid related. We finally caught the bug. We avoided it for 2 years. We were bound to get it sooner or later, with or without vaccines…we were vaccinated. The medicines for it drained a month’s surplus, but we are still alive and kicking. Until I am completely cured, I am not going to do a BJD doll photoshoot. I do not want to have to disinfect the dolls. As for this drawing, I took the photo of its months ago. So, it...

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