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anime, drawing, instrument -

This is the last of my series of drawings featuring maidens playing musical instruments. I need to get around to brainstorming a new series of cute little practice drawings. I am still working on my pose practice sketches. This is just about what you can expect in the future as far as drawing blogs are concerned. I might also do some new fashion dress drawings. Now, it is time to learn about the violin. The violin is also known as the fiddle. The highest quality version of all violins was made by Stradivarius. Such instruments usually sell for a couple...

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bjd, photo, photos, vampire -

Today, I did a nice bjd doll photoshoot featuring my vampire doll Candice. She looks more like a ghost girl, than a vampire. It works just as well. I wanted to have a creepy looking bjd doll, and she fits the bill. For this photoshoot, I feature her with my oldest bjd dolls.   It is amassing how this doll collection thing started. Well, it is not as if I want to travel anywhere. I am quite comfortable in my house.   I jazzed up a bit the backgrounds. The original one was just green and boring. Everything becomes far...

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bjd, book, photos -

Read Trilogy: The Sacred Mask (3 book series) Kindle Edition ( Early in the development of the Sacred Mask book, I planned for chess to play an important role. I grew up playing chess. I wasn’t very good at it, but I had fun. I even played online, back when the website Instant Chess existed. The first book focuses on the Pawn or Peon. The Peon is the lowliest of all chess pieces, but it is full of potential. The Peon in the front cover is the Arch Magus and Crown Prince Helmer. Despite being so powerful, I gave him the...

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drawing, illustration, music -

Today, I made a nice anime drawing featuring the Sitar instrument. It is a Hindu classical music instrument. It evolved from the tanbur music instruments. It gained popularity during the early reign Mughal Empire (1526-1707). This instrument was often played in the court. It was used in Persian and Hindu melodies. Overtime, it gained its modern shape. The tuning of the instrument varies from school to school. It gained modern popularity thanks to the Beatles. It still gets played outside of India, in World Music. The Sitar is synonymous with 60s music, with hundreds of rock bands making use of...

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bjd, photo, photos, photoshoot -

Today, I got around to changing up a bit the dresses of my dolls. For now, I decided to focus on my Doll Chateau Ashley. I dressed her up in the dress that came with my kitty cat doll.   The wiggle room of the dress allowed it to be a perfect fit for my Ashley doll.   The thing that followed was setting up the background. I think it looks a little bit more varied.   I need to get a little bit more props.   As part of a gimmick, I also took photos of the doll focusing...

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