Dollmore Vampire Candice and Company BJD Doll Photoshoot
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Today, I did a nice bjd doll photoshoot featuring my vampire doll Candice. She looks more like a ghost girl, than a vampire.
It works just as well. I wanted to have a creepy looking bjd doll, and she fits the bill. For this photoshoot, I feature her with my oldest bjd dolls.
It is amassing how this doll collection thing started. Well, it is not as if I want to travel anywhere. I am quite comfortable in my house.
I jazzed up a bit the backgrounds. The original one was just green and boring. Everything becomes far more interesting with stickers.
I also need to get a new type of fabric for the floor of the photos. I am just mainly working with what I have. The poses I just made them up as I went along.
I took about 27 photos in total. Before the photoshoot, I changed up the look of the companion dolls. I think that they look pretty neat.
I think overall it was an interesting effort. With the photos, I try to keep things balanced.
I take a few photos of the dolls standing up, then sitting down and lastly I take portrait photos. From closeup, you can see all the nice makeup details.
From far away, you can see varied poses. The outfits overall look pretty neat. The vampire doll herself was made by Dollmore.
She was shipped to my home pretty quickly. I sometimes worry a bit about the future. Doing these little doll photoshoots is quite relaxing.
Instead of worrying about what ifs, I can stress about the stupid dolls not cooperating. The vampire doll is a bit of a kicker.
LMAO. All joking aside, she poses rather nicely. Her hands have decent motor controls. They are also rather sharp.
I need to be careful when handling the doll. I do not want for her claws to draw blood.
Then again, blood is like the general theme of most vampires. Vampires usually transform into predatory animals.
I would find them amusing if they turned into llamas or other lame animals.
This is not to say that llamas are lame.
Rather, it is an animal that one typically does not associate with vampires.
Aside from with playing with my dolls, I have started the fourth Sacred Mask book.
I have about 3000 solid words.
The third book was by far the longest in the series.
This is even after I compressed it from 230,000 words to 200,000.
It is always important to trim the fat from the books.
A lot of writers are reluctant to doing that, but it helps.
I think I have ranted long enough about my books or my dolls.
Enjoy this latest photoshoot. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.
I hope things are going well in your world.