Titania and Company BJD Doll Butterfly Fairy Photoshoot

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Titania and Company BJD Doll Butterfly Fairy Photoshoot

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Today, I finally got around to making a new bjd doll photoshoot. I have a clean bill of health. So, I felt like playing with the dolls.

artsy sister, bjd doll, doll chateau

I wanted to wait for the illness to pass before touching any of my dolls. I didn’t want them to become sick. All joking aside, I didn’t want to have to disinfect the dolls.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, kawaii

It took about two weeks for this whole thing to blow over. My mom got sick while at work, and then she brought it home. I am fine, everyone is fine.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, dolls

It was bound to happen sooner or later.  We avoided the bug for more than 2 years. I am a little peeved since getting the medicines for Covid costed me 1500 bucks.

 artsy sister, blue fairy, bjd doll

Do you have any idea how many dolls I could have bought with that amount of money? I could have gotten 1 Lusion Dollmore Doll, or 2 animal type doll chateau dolls, or 5 dearmine 12 cm dolls…

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

I suppose I could have gotten instead 1500 bucks worth of doll clothing. BJD dolls is a somewhat expensive hobby. With this economy, it is a good thing I got so many last year, before the recession really got started.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, doll chateau

Other than my health and financial woes, there really isn’t anything happening much in my life. The rains came to Florida.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

Even if I had been physically well, it is not as if I would have been able to go anywhere. There is like a bunch of hurricanes all over the Caribbean, and there are wars happening in Europe.

artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

Frankly, I do not like flying in the plane much. It gives me terrible headaches and there is always turbulence everywhere I go.

 artsy sister, wallpaper, photos

My birthday is coming up. Hurray…another year has passed with much of the same. I am almost done with the fourth Sacred Mask book.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

While I was sick, I got a decent amount of writing done. Not too much, not too little. I also edited a bit some of my other books.

 artsy sister, bjd dolls, nice

It is useful to give them a polish every so often. Everything is a work in progress. I have been mentally brainstorming a new book series.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

I will get to it, when I get to it. As far as the new bjd doll photoshoot, I tried to keep things simple.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

My Doll chateau Titania fairy was in an uncooperative mood.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

The heel legs kept wabbling. Maybe it had something to do with the fabric I was using as a carpet.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

The point is that she kept slipping with those high heels.

 artsy sister photoshoot, bjd photo, bjd

The heels are part of her feet, so it is not as if I can give her new shoes.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

I think this is about it as far as my writing is concerned. I hope you have a lot of fun looking at my new dolly photos.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, dolls

Next week, you can expect another bjd doll photoshoot. I am going to try to get back on schedule with my dolly blogs.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, kawaii

As far as recreational activities, I started playing Horizon Forbidden West.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

It keeps me amuse. Other times, I play Tokyo Jungle. I played as a very unfortunate sheep.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

My progress with the sheep didn’t get saved. I hate it when games do not save progress.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

It turns out I need to play an entire session from beginning to end.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

Otherwise, it doesn’t save the different generation.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

I at least managed to unlock a new deer.

 artsy sister,bjd, dolls

It is a stupid game, but very amusing.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

Look it up. It will definitely give you plenty to chuckle at.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

Well, I ranted enough for one day. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

I hope you have a nice day. And I pray for your good health.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

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