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Christmas, cute, drawing -

This is a little drawing I made a couple of weeks ago. It has been a while since I posted new drawings to the website. The outfit of this maiden looked pretty interesting, and so I drew it. The original maiden was from the US, and the date is the start of the 20th century. A lot of things have changed over the past 100 years. Thought lately, it all feels pretty stagnated. Nothing seems to have taken a great leap forward. I guess it feels like this since we are living in this time. Take a couple centuries and...

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colombia, offering, photo, tourism, travel -

Religion aside, I found this stand of offerings to the Virgin Mary rather interesting. Each little figurine represented an answered prayer or a miracle experienced by the worshiper. Taken on their own, each figurine represents a bad episode in a person's life that got resolved satisfactory. Only the guy who gave the item knows what it is all about. If you look closely, there is a couple of Jewish stars thrown in there.  A good number feature a woman's chest. I guess it has to do with breast cancer. It is an affliction that many women are sadly familiar with....

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candy, cute, orlando, photograph -

It has been quite a couple of days since I posted something new. I have not been well, but now I am feeling a little bit better. I think I caught a cold while on a mini vacation in Hollywood. Don't you hate it when that happens? It sort of makes me not want to take a vacation. I guess some things cannot be helped. I am not too peeved about it. It is fun using silly words that have been discontinued in regular vernacularism. I read a bunch of old books. This is part of the reason I picked...

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miami beach, photo, sunset -

This is quite the cute photo of the sunset. I took it from the car while going home. It took a bit of tweaking with the camera to make the photo work. Getting a photo from a moving vehicle, with low lite is a bit hard. Cameras work best with light. Taking night photos requires a tripod, and long overexposure. By messing with the amount of lights, I was able to take this photo.  I focused mostly in the sky, this gives the buildings a nice dark feel to them. The sky was particularly red that day. Most good sunsets...

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candy, orlando, photo, theme park -

I am a bit sorry I was not able to post anything yesterday. My family wanted to celebrate mother's day in Hollywood. The one in Florida, not the one in California. Anyhow, we went to a hotel there and we went swimming. The weather did not felt like cooperating, and I think I am developing a bit of a cold. At night, we played a bit Pokémon Go, before returning to the hotel around 1 PM. It was certainly quite the effort to find a restaurant there that was still serving food at 11 PM. I did not eat anything,...

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