In a Candy Shop

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In a Candy Shop

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I am a bit sorry I was not able to post anything yesterday. My family wanted to celebrate mother's day in Hollywood. The one in Florida, not the one in California. Anyhow, we went to a hotel there and we went swimming. The weather did not felt like cooperating, and I think I am developing a bit of a cold. At night, we played a bit Pokémon Go, before returning to the hotel around 1 PM. It was certainly quite the effort to find a restaurant there that was still serving food at 11 PM.

I did not eat anything, rather I had some ice cream from Haagen-Dazs.This about sums up everything I was up to yesterday, and the reason why I did not do a post. I want to try to make it at least a once a day kind of deal. I have a big surplus of photos I want rant about. However, I do want to upload them all and them be done with it. I am not a big fan of image blogs. Mostly, because I have been in this little game a bit too long. 

Once I make it, you will be the first to get notified. Anyhow, the photo of the day was taken inside a candy store. I always wanted to go to one and pig out, but then I grew up. It is a pity when you never have the surplus to indulge oneself till later in life. Those who have been spoiled rotten, do not know how lucky they are. Just look at how cute everything looks inside this little shop. Since I was not able to buy some decent candy, I settled for ice cream instead. I like ice cream a lot, because it goes down easily. 

I think I have practically eaten a ton of ice cream, over the last 20 something years of my life. I could have given a more specific date. However, women tend to lie about their age, and I am not too keen on lying or telling you my age. So, let is move right along. In this country people enjoy doing celebrations designed to make people feel old. It is like they think that people are not keeping count already.  Well, everyone has plenty of douches they like to call friends. It is quite common to stock up on those people, because they rate friendship by number and not by quality. As for me, I prefer quality over quantity in the friend department. 

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