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beach, mexico -

It has been a long time since I went on an actually good vacation. Barceló was an actually amassing place. Pity, that this time only exists in this memory and in this photo. Some things cannot be helped. All matter is subject to corruption and radioactive decay. The same can be said of human's morality, or lack thereof. I am sorry I woke up in a bit of a sour mood. If you look at things objectively, security and peace is just an illusion. One can feel safe even surrounded by lions.  However, there is a reason why it is...

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art, bayside, miami beach, photo -

Bayside used to be one of my favorite places to visit. As of late, not so much. It has gotten a bit too crowded. Whenever a place gets crowded a get a bit paranoid. Normally, people would call it social anxiety. However, this being the US we have come to be suspicious in crowded area. For example, in the Dolphin Mall a douched used firecrackers to steal a watch. The people ran away in a panic. Needless to say, a couple of people got injured by a scared crowd running away. Another thing I miss about Bayside were the stores....

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lighthouse, photo -

While traveling to St. Augustine we stopped by  a lighthouse. I cannot remember seeing any nearby beach. I do not know why the lighthouse is there. Then again, I did not wonder much in this area. Getting on the lighthouse was like 40 or 60 bucks. I could have bought a very unresponsive drone with that money. Lately, a lot of drones and quirky military technology has been made available to the general public. Originally, vinyl records were the mainly used by the army. They were later released for making silly music. A lot of prime music are stored in...

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jewelry, photo, st. augustine, stand -

I was looking for something new to rant about so I settled on this display stand. All the jewelries shown there look pretty unique. I cannot say if they are valuable not. I simply passed by there and just took a photograph. Most of the time, I do not look at my old photos. I discover a lot of neat things whenever I bother to give a second look. This is one of those things. I just find this stand quite adorable looking. It is important to note that jewelry has more copyright protection that clothing. Clothing can be copied...

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cute, ice cream, vanilla -

I was thinking and meditating on ice cream. The best one I ever had was in the French restaurant in Barceló Maya Palace. The vanilla was truly vanilla and so was the strawberry. This seems a bit redundant, but i'ts rare to find an ice cream company that does not cheat in both departments. I had almost given up on strawberry, till I tried this once. Normally, strawberries is the worse ice cream. For some reason, it gets really bad in the storages. It always ends up water down and chunky, with the strawberries frozen. This one was perfect, just...

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