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art supplies, drawings -

After the first World War, things went peachy with the dresses and the fun. The rationing system forced Americans to save up their money. There was simply nothing to buy in the stores. The dresses got shorter and simpler. This dress is what happened after the war. Maidens were eager to look prim and feminine.  The length of the dress fell down, and pearls and jewelry became the norm. The figure of the maidens also changed a bit. Up until the previous century, the ideal feminine figure was a bit chubby on the side. With the eve of the modern...

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adorable, cute, danish, rococo -

This is quite the adorable maiden with her pretty dress. It makes me a bit hungry. Doesn't it remind you of the decoration of a cake. Anyhow, this was the beauty aesthetic of the Rococo period. During that time, advertisement was starting to become a thing. Maidens were drawn with pretty dresses in front of stores to lure nobles in. Before then, advertisements were made through town cries. These people would run all over the town shouting slogans. Most of these cries were people from the lower class and were mostly illiterate. This does not diminish their efforts. They relied...

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drawing, dress, girl, spain -

This is quite the cute maiden I drew. The patterns in her skirt took a great time to make. I think she came out pretty well. During that time, the Rococo was the popular style. All the paintings were done with sweet coloring and happiness. Everyone in Europe was caught by the happy vibe. All the happiness was short lived. France was making its way towards the Revolution. Britain was in the middle of losing its American Colonies. As for Spain, they were stuck with the Spanish Inquisition. Nothing else needs to be said. Spain was one of the few...

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adorable, art supplies, ballerina, cute, dancer, drawing, girl -

A lot of outfits never made it past the print version. There was the issues of decency and all that nonsense. Considering the time period, she would be considered indecent. By today's standard, her outfit if just about average. There were some regional variants with standards.  France after getting rid of the last Napoleon, there was a new sense of liberalism. The France of the 1880s had plenty of religious and social freedom. Foreigners could dress with their proper attires without been accosted in the streets. This is a far cry from today's tense environment.  There is a state of...

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1920s, art deco, cute, drawing, oriental dancer -

This is one of my most recent dancer maidens. She took a bit longer to draw because of all the small the small jewelry and details. Some of the patterns in her pants were a bit cookie. I added eyes on them. The costume is one of my favorites. There is always a nice joy trying to draw something complicated with a lot of small moving parts. These days most outfits are complete eyesores, except for those who use traditional outfits. As far as innovation is concerned everything is sadly lacking. It would be nice to see dancers with fancy...

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