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acrylic, dancer, painting -

Drawing figures dancing is an interesting venture in it of itself. It is not something that can be done properly by drawing from life. It is at this point where the camera comes into play. It can capture a moment in life, while the figure is in motion. It was admirable how it was managed in the old days. Just think of how many times the little model had to twirl to help the artist. Well, old paintings had the preliminary sketches and the other sketches. Very few painters had genuine photographic memory. I only know of one that had...

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drawings, graffiti, mural -

Traveling often allows one to see many strange and wonderful things. Graffiti is one of those things people either love or instantly hate. It is usually the latter, I do not know why. Then again, it depends on where it was done. If you purposely ruin someone's workplace then it would certainly annoy lots of people.  Graffiti tends to be more accepted in other parts of the world. It certainly at least dolls up a place that is falling apart. This is a photo of one I saw while in Colombia. It looks pretty cool, don't you think. The city...

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18th century, art, derwent, drawing, erasers, pens, staedtler -

All artists and mangaka artist have a favorite color. It is sometimes not obvious which is the favorite color. People tend to compromise their likes in order to be liked by others. As for me, I like pink. Pink is one of my favorite colors. I wish there were nicer pink dresses. Transparency is also a bit hard to manage. I handled transparency by just drawing the shapes in black and then painting beneath the dress. Jewelry also requites plenty of work. As a short hand, people tend to just color the jewelry yellow or just use metallic pencils.  This...

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art supply, cute, drawing tools, dress, metallic pens, photos, red head, wallpaper -

This maiden in one of my early drawings. She is part of a little book I recently started working on. I still need like 250 drawings to complete it. Usually compilation books require like 1000 or 1200 drawings. I hope to reach double the amount to get ahead of my imaginary competition. Most of these types of drawing books have all the characters in the same pose. It is rare to see some type of variety. I am trying to have all the characters in a different pose or another. Once it gets to 500 it starts getting a bit...

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color pencil, color pens, drawings, eraser, pens, posing, tutorial -

Choosing poses is always an issue when drawing. If it is a single character, it becomes even more problematic. This Dancer was drawn for the sole purpose of featuring her fancy dress. It features part of the front and the back. The face was turned to show the green earring.  When working with dresses, one has to consider whether shoes are necessary or not. These days lots of dancer go out barefoot. Their outfits tend to resemble odd patterns on bare skin. It is a weak selling point, since ballet does not enjoy general popularity, which is a pity.  It...

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