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bjd, Christmas, holiday, photo, photography, photos, xmas -

The year 2020 is almost over. It started pretty nicely, and then everything went sour. Sometimes they lift you up, in order to smack you against the floor with great speed. After January, things have been pretty hectic, and sometimes intolerable. With the staying at home nonsense, I got a couple of new books published here and there. I also started doll theater. I have been getting a little better with Doll Theater as time progresses. Some skits are good, and others are ok. It is all a matter of straying creative. I think for next year, I am going...

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bjd, photos, stop motion, stopmotion, video -

I know that it is technically not Thanksgiving. Still, I decided to get a head start with the Doll Theater video. If I make it on the same day, it might be a while before it is online. First thing first, I wanted to show you some of the little pictures I took at the end of the video. These ones are more of little promos for the Stop Motion video that is coming out. I know that Stop Motion is a dead art, but I am bringing it back. I don’t have the patience to learn computer animation. These...

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bjd, unboxing, video, videos -

I made a little unboxing video for my Tang Ge doll. I know folks like unboxing videos a lot. I figured I would provide. I should have made something of a video when Ashley came home. Ashley is my red head Doll Chateau doll. Tang Ge was made by Ring Doll. I ordered the doll from Dolkus. The doll was in stock, but it shipped from its native land China. Before you get a little crazy with me, remember that we don’t know anything about Ring Doll. So, don’t jump to conclusions about the life of a person that you...

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bjd, stop motion, stopmotion, video -

This is a new stop motion animation video. It features my dollies trying to sleep. I had more little skit ideas, but I only had like 4 dolls. I did not want to make the video too long. I have a new video coming next well. I think this is enough on this nonsense. I have a lot more information about the video on the youtube. I hope you find them entertaining.

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bjd, stop motion, stopmotion, video -

This is one of the new silly Stop motion videos of mine. I wanted to give it a bit of an odd feel to it. I also wanted to show you everything that goes into making the video, as I made it. I stop motioned my hand too, which was a lot of fun. I am always trying to make my videos a bit different. For the time being, I do not want themes to repeat. Anyhow, I hope you find this little video of mine amusing.

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