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bjd, dress -

This is going to be a little bit short. I just wanted to show you the new dresses I got for my doll. They finally arrived. The first photo features Bebe wearing her pretty dress. It did not include shoes. Speaking of shoes, I need to get some black shoes or something. Black shoes go well with just about everything. I have been thinking of getting more silly dresses around the edges. This is all a work in progress. Anyhow, the second dress belongs to Mein. I wanted to give her a nice Victorian look. The hat looks a little...

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bjd, photo -

Yesterday, I was in a particular bored type of mood. For that reason, I took some photos of my BJD doll Bebe. She was made by Rosenlied. This doll ,like the other maidens, cannot stand on her own.   I need to get a doll stand one of these days. Regardless, I was able to sit her pretty. The clothing she is wearing belongs to my taller doll Elvira. I ordered some new clothing for Bebe. It is going to get here when it gets here type of scenario. Since the posing was a little limited around the edges, I...

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bjd, photos -

About a week ago, I got my new bjd doll Ashley. I call her Ash for short. Anyhow, for some reason, all the photos I take of her come out rather creepy. It was the weekend and I was not feeling like doing anything particular. There was a mini hurricane too. There was plenty of wind and rain, but nothing too far out there. Frankly, I have seen lightning storms that were stronger than this hurricane. The bad weather was at least useful for keeping most people indoor. This helped reduce the plague problem a little bit. Only one person...

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bjd, doll, dollcute -

Today arrived my new BJD doll. It is a little bit early for my birthday, but it works just fine for me. I was a little worried at first because she was worth an arm and a leg. It would have sucked had the package gotten stolen. Anyhow, I have been really good this year, and so my birthday came early.  The doll is called Ashley. My brother and my mother bought her for me. It was a half and half type of deal. I got her from Fabric Friends and Dolls. They are a BJD doll vendor that operates...

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bjd, doll, photo -

A couple of weeks ago, I took some photos of my tallest doll, Elvira. I was going to take photos of the second doll. In the end, I opted to try for the third doll. Mein is different in nature to Elvira. Her body runs on strings. This technically makes her a true BJD Doll. Then again, there is some debate as to what is considered a true ball jointed doll or not. I think it is just splitting hairs. The long and short of it is that I took some photos of my doll Mein. The doll is still...

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Artsy's Choice