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In this stop motion video, I tried to read some fairy books. I made the little miniatures and everything. The fairies also appear to play pranks on the ball jointed dolls that are trying to read. The fairy pranks range from benign to mean. The mean pranks come whenever the screen turns red and black. It is an effect I like using a lot. The special effects come in the form of rain. I also had the magic bjd doll put up a shield, and also shoot lightning. In the middle of the video, there was a bit of an...

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I was in a bored type of mood and so I made these two drawings. I have been thinking of lowering my production line in Youtube. I have about 300 videos already. There is no need to go crazy uploading every little thing. If I come up with something amusing, I will then make the video. The first drawing video I made features a Jellyfish mermaid. By now, folks will have figured out how I like to do my anime drawings. I am like super good at drawing the torso. For me, the torso is the determining factor. If you...

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I was thinking of what new image to show you. I figured I would post a raw image from my Scary Cat children’s book. This one is from volume 1. It is called Scary Cat and the Search for the Ooohh. Once I finished that last Furies manga, I am going to get started on the third volume of my Scary Cat kids book. It is just so funny the different between Scary Cat and the Furies. It is a night and day type of difference. Then again, the Furies is there to exorcise all my outside influences. I put...

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The trombone is a common instrument, but not the most popular. It is usually used a bit as a gimmick. As far as horn instruments, the trumpet is the more popular instrument. Still, the trombone has a place in marching bands, and even in the opera. I think now I will mention something about this brass instrument’s past. The instrument uses slides in order to produce different pitches. The instrument was invented in the 15th century. The name trombone means big trumpet in Italian. Back then, it was known by many names till the word trombone became more commonplace in...

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