Dried Versions of My new Pouring Paintings

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Dried Versions of My new Pouring Paintings

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There really isn’t much to say about these artworks. This is just the finished results. Once the paints dry, this is what you are left with.

I prefer to photograph the wet versions. The wet versions have brighter colors. The dried versions are a tad darker.

As it dries, the paint sometimes moves about. So, the finished product may vary from the original artwork.

It took about two days for the paints to finish drying. The painting mediums causes the acrylics to take longer to dry.

I took the photos before adding the varnish. The varnish makes the paints shine a lot. It makes it difficult to photograph.

I think I ranted enough about my artworks for one day. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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