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art, drawing -

This is another one of my classical looking anime girls. As of late, I have been practicing my people drawing. I could use people from the real world. Still, I find it easier to rely on either photos or paintings. As of now, I have been using just the paintings. I am trying not to repeat poses or walks. Most of the old masters did not repeat themselves. Even when the poses were similar, there was a variation with the hand movement or the pose of the leg. For the time being, I have been just a little bored and...

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anime, art, drawing -

I did not post a blog yesterday because I was taking an eye rest. I did rest it for most of the time, but then I started playing My Little Dragon Caffe and I think it is messed up again. It is  so annoying when your eye starts ticketing. I feel like there is something pocking the side of it, but I do not see any eyelashes or anything. It worked just fine yesterday, for the most part. Now, it is back to being a bit of a bother. It does look a bit red from one side. I suppose...

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art, drawing -

This is another one of my beautiful anime drawings. It is a maiden resting on the floor. Well, the original was resting on the couch. I got the pose from a painting. I tend to sketch from paintings, because it is good practice. It also humors me a bit. In the old days, I used to sketch pokemon and yugioh cards. I eventually moved on to making my original drawings. As of now, I have gotten a little bit more refined.  Then again, I am not the sort of fellow to snob works I find appealing. My mother recently said...

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drawing -

For the last couple of days, I have been drawing cute maidens. I am a bit bored and the like. I do wish sometimes to have some good ideas. My brother told me an interesting dream he had. I wrote it down to add my short story series. It had a bit of a save the planet kind of feel. I do think the planet is getting messed up by the humans. I may not believe in Global Warming, but I do believe in pollution. In the cities, the air is really bad, specially in China. The water is always...

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cute, drawing -

This is another one of my sitting figures. I was practicing my figure drawings. Sometimes, you just want to chill and draw something that is not too serious. As with all my drawings, I draw for myself. I no longer draw what people tell me to draw. It was somewhat entertaining in the old days, back when I was into the reddit game with my brother. We burned that bridge. So, now I just draw for myself. If you like the drawing, great, if not, bugger off. I like British maledictions. They always sound rather entertaining, like they are gargling...

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