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bjd, book, fantasy, photo -

Read book:  The Sacred Mask - Kindle edition by Blanco, Teresita. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Today, I wanted to discuss the types of intelligent lifeforms that inhabit the Sacred Mask book. While Planet Earth only has humans, the world of Deimos has many different creatures. The first character featured in the book is the Little Ogre Caron. He is a halfling, with the Ogre blood being the strongest. This grants him regenerative abilities, and a strong tolerance for pain. He also does magic, but magic is not limited to one specific lifeform. My book also has dragons...

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anime, cute, drawing, posing -

I decided to do some pose practice drawings. These drawings are based on classical paintings. It is nice to practice every so often. I am building for myself some reference sketchbooks. The drawing itself was made with pen and coloring pencils. For next week, there is like not a lot planned. Just a new bjd doll photoshoot. I need to add the new fairy doll to the home page. I am also making progress with the 4th sacred mask book. I have about 20,000 words already. So, it already has a decent length. I hope you find my latest drawing...

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Today arrived my new Doll Chateau doll. She was in stock in Denver Doll Emporium. The dolly arrived pretty quickly. So, that is a plus, considering that this doll was an impulse buy. The real name of the doll is Eunice. I needed a fairy doll to add to my collection. As of lately, I have been leaning towards fantasy themed dolls. The doll came with everything, except the body blushing. Not that it matters much, since the outfit covers most of her body. The wings and the heels came painted, so that is fun. The position of the wings...

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bjd, book, fantasy -

To Read the Book:  The Sacred Mask - Kindle edition by Blanco, Teresita. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ The spinal cord of any fantasy book is magic. The first spell I introduce in the book is the humble Sleep Spell. It is one of the most underrated spells of all time. The White Magus Caron had two variations of the sleep spell. He could either make you fall asleep or keep you from sleeping. In the war, the sleep deprivation spell was useful for neutralizing enemy Mages. Most people become delirious if they fail to sleep for 3...

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anime, drawing, instrument -

This is the last of my series of drawings featuring maidens playing musical instruments. I need to get around to brainstorming a new series of cute little practice drawings. I am still working on my pose practice sketches. This is just about what you can expect in the future as far as drawing blogs are concerned. I might also do some new fashion dress drawings. Now, it is time to learn about the violin. The violin is also known as the fiddle. The highest quality version of all violins was made by Stradivarius. Such instruments usually sell for a couple...

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