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bjd, photo, photos -

It seemed a good a time as any to make another bjd doll photoshoot. I wanted to see how my girl dolls looked with my new guy doll. I have been thinking of adding more arcane type of dolls into the mix. I am still waiting for my KAD. I know it should take 6 months to make. It has been only 1 month. I am like super impatient about it. Still, it gives me something nice to look forward to. The first part of the photoshoot will focus on the 1/6, 1/12 and 1/3 dolls. I took some photos...

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drawing, instrument, music -

This is a new anime drawing of mine featuring the cimbalom. The instrument is a type of chordophone. It looks a bit like the backend of a piano. It was invented in 1874 in Budapest by V. Josef Schunda. The instrument is derived from the Hammered Dulcimer. This instrument is played with two sticks. The instrument is made with copper strings. The instrument gets played often in classical music. It has even been used in  rock music. Due to its popularity, there are many different schools all over Europe that teach the instrument. The drawing was made with cute coloring...

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cat, garden, photo, photos, review, travel -

I took a long vacation from everything. My family went down to Key West to soak in the pool for a bit. In Key West, it seems like life has returned to normal. While there, we also visited two museums. The first one was the Museum of Hemingway. I think the place is not properly named. The museum focuses on his cats. According to the curator, the museum was founded under the express written consent that they would look after Hemingway’s cat family.   Hemingway could only write when his cats where around. So, throughout the museum I saw a...

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drawing, instrument, music -

This is like a new anime drawing of mine featuring the bouzouki. It is a type of guitar. There are a lot of string instruments. This one in particular was invented in Greece. It was first depicted in a relief that dates to the 330 BC. The relief was found in Athens. During the Byzantine period, it was known a the pandoura. There are many different sizes to this instrument. The number of strings also varies. The instrument is still being played today. It is still as popular as ever in Greek Laiko music. Laiko is the Greek equivalent of...

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bjd, doll, photo, photos -

About two months ago, I pre-ordered a doll. It is like taking forever, and so I ordered this doll.  I am not the most patient of ball jointed doll owners. It is for this reason that I usually buy what is in stock. Anyhow, I had recently noticed that Fabric Dolls and Friends had put up this handsome elf. It was the full set and everything, including the body blushing. I buzzed about a bit trying to convince myself to wait for the doll I had pre-ordered.   I tried to convince myself that I did not like the doll...

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