acrylic RSS

acrylic, art, painting, pouring -

Today, I wanted to show you some nice acrylic pouring paintings that I made. Each painting features a unique pouring method. I like to keep things quite varied. My paints are a weird mix of everything. Whenever I am almost done with an old paint tube, I throw it inside a ketchup bottle. I add some pouring medium, and then it is good to go. The paintings look big, but the canvases are actually pretty small. This is noticeable in the Tiktok videos I made of my new pouring paintings. They are also in Youtube, if you are interested in...

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acrylic, art, painting, pouring -

This week I got around to making four new pouring paintings. I get in a pouring painting mood every once in a while. I try not to overindulge in one artistic path. Like Leonardo da Vinci, I am a maiden of many talents. This is not to say that I think myself as talented as Leonardo. Rather, I want to emphasize that I am a jack of all traits. The pouring paints are my own unique blend of different mediums and paints brands. Pouring paintings tend to use up a lot of paint. So, I am overly reliant on medium...

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acrylic, art, landscape, painting -

I made some new backgrounds for doll theater. I finally used my last project board. I need to come up with a funny skit for my Wednesday episode. I do not even know why I do the episodes on a Wednesday. I normally do the stop motion on a Tuesday. The production line takes about a day. This is why I can only upload the video by Wednesday. I do the voices and my brother does the piano. We try to do something of an original type of music. I do not even know why. It is best to avoid...

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acrylic, art, bjd, doll, painting -

I was making a new background for Doll Theater. As you know, I have about 4 project boards. In order to get more backgrounds out of them, I am now painting both sides. The outside has the rougher painting. and the inside the stuff I want to keep secured. When it came to the final project boards, I had to work on logistics. So far, I have two types of backgrounds. I have a background and a middle ground. Due to the size of the project board, I painted two scenes. There is one on the top and another on...

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acrylic, painting, pouring -

Most folks just stick to classical white pouring painting backgrounds. It is just easy to work with. White paint is like super cheap. Sometimes you see black backgrounds, but not often other colors. I mainly used black backgrounds for these sets of acrylic pouring paintings. They where useful for making the colors stand out. Colors tend to look a bit more muted when placed against white backgrounds.   So, if you are working with patterns a black, or any other colorful background might be useful. This time, I did not do a video tutorial.   I am not a big...

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