Pouring Painting Creative Chaos: Dutch, Swipe, Puddle and Mold

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Pouring Painting Creative Chaos: Dutch, Swipe, Puddle and Mold

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This week I got around to making four new pouring paintings. I get in a pouring painting mood every once in a while. I try not to overindulge in one artistic path. Like Leonardo da Vinci, I am a maiden of many talents.

This is not to say that I think myself as talented as Leonardo. Rather, I want to emphasize that I am a jack of all traits. The pouring paints are my own unique blend of different mediums and paints brands.

Pouring paintings tend to use up a lot of paint. So, I am overly reliant on medium to stretch them to their full extent. I also use smaller canvases. I haven’t tried to sell a painting as of yet.

artsy sister, pouring painting, swipe pouring paint

So, my pouring paintings are in small canvases to save on art supplies. Due to this economy, I do not have the luxury of wasting art supplies in experimentation.

All in all, it is a decent effort as far as pouring painting is concerned. The digital versions of my paintings are far bigger. I prefer to photograph them while the paint is still wet.

Depending on how they dry, the final product might be lackluster, or the paint might crack in certain places. I am still a novice as far as pouring painting is concerned.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, acrylic painting

Still, it is the thought that counts. The only way you learn how to do something is by trial and error. Online tutorials also help. Getting the right balance of medium and paint is what determines what the final product is going to look like.

Now, time to talk about the individual paintings in specific. The white one with orange dabs of paint utilizes the Dutch pouring style. You blow at the paint with either a hair dryer or a straw.

It is important to use a long straw to prevent you from swallowing paint. The one that is predominantly green was made with a mold that has three holes to allow the paint to escape.

 artsy sister, acrylic painting, pouring art

I then moved the paint around till it covered the entire canvas. The making of these paintings appears in my Artsy Sister Tiktok and on Youtube. The black painting with the dabs of green and gold paint was made in this fashion.

First, I poured all the paints into a tiny cup. I then flipped it upside down while the cup was still attached to the canvas. I then released the paint little by little. This helped create cells and other neat patterns.

 artsy sister, acrylic painting, pouring painting

The blue, black, purple and gold painting was done with the Swipe method. First, I added the colors and then I used a hard piece of cardboard to gently swipe the paint into place.

The final results are what you see above. All in all, it was an interesting painting experience. You do not need to know how to paint in order to make decent pouring paintings.

This method of art is ideal for folks who struggle with figurative art. Abstract art is more in style these days, more the pity. Anyhow, this is Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.  

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