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Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers Action Nintendo Game Review The Chip 'N Dale Nintendo game is pretty cute. It is a two-player game. You basically fight some bad guys by throwing them apples. I forget what the final boss of this Game is. Frankly, it I do not remember playing it much. Perhaps, because I had to return the Nintendo game early. I only have a vague memory of this Nintendo game. I do remember that it was good.  Ninja Gaiden II Action Nintendo Games Reviews Ninja Gaiden II is the first game I played of the Ninja Gaiden series....

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BattleToads Nintendo Game Battletoads was the first Nintendo two player game I ever played. By the age of 6, I had finally gotten a second controller. This game was a bit weird around the edges. However, it was pretty humoring. The stages in the game changed a lot. This game was a bit less sideways about everything. It game you more freedom of movement. However, I never made it past the area that came after the falling down stage. It got into one of those super annoying obstacle courses that no one can ever beat. So, that was the end...

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Little Samson Nintendo Game Review Among the last Nintendo games, I played was Little Samson. I enjoyed this game a lot. I remember that among the hardest worlds to conquer was the one of the Little Samson. There was just one great leap forward that I always failed to jump over. Anyhow, the concept of the game is pretty interesting. Four warriors brought together to fight an evil mage. Each is a representative of their respective nature world. The Dragon is of the wind. The boy from fire. The golem from earth. Lastly, the small rat from grass. I remember...

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Today, I did a Hollow Knight x Titanic parody. I had the Pale King and the White lady taking the role of Jack and Rose. Their Bugtanic ship crashed in Greenpath. Due to his arrogance, the Pale King didn’t add any life rafts. He assumed that his Bugtanic ship was unsinkable. When his ship sank, only the floating door was able to save him and his wife. As gamers might remember, Greenpath is covered in acid. The White Lady is on top of the wooden door that is barely containing her massive weight.   There is simply not room enough...

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Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I spent the entire morning brainstorming a good Valentine’s Day blog post. In the end, I decided to make it a Hollow Knight parody. Unlike my usual parodies, this one is based on a Marilyn Monroe movie called Gentlemen Prefer them Blonde. Above, you can see the still shot I used in order to make my drawing. As a stand in for Marilyn Monroe, I used the Eternal Emilitia. Both maidens were the courtesan of rulers. It is implied that Emilitia was a courtesan of the Pale King, but she was cast out. While Marilyn Monroe...

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