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acrylic, painting -

It has been quite a bit since I did an acrylic painting. Acrylic paintings offer their own fair of challenges. I normally draw with pencil over the canvas what I want to paint. I then pass the lamp black over the pencil lines. To erase the black smudges, I add a layer of titanium white. In the first couple of paintings, I did not do that. This caused the pencil lines to be noticeable. Now, I just erase them with acrylic paint. The white paint adds a bit of light into the colors applied over it. It usually takes two...

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paint, painting -

Sunday has been one of those lazy sort of days. As of late, we have not gone out much. The only time we do head out is to go to the gym. We get something that we call exercise and then back to being biologically fused with the couch. To the couch’s credit, it is very comfortable. The air conditioner is just dandy. It is not too cold or not too warm. It is just right. The sun rarely shows its face. This helps maintain, that lazy sort of gray feel to everything. My mother is going to make ribs....

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book, painting, watercolor -

This is quite the cute front cover that I made. I had originally the lineart version for a different project. I now finally got around to adding color to it. The paper is not a watercolor paper. It was just a Strathmore drawing paper. I was surprised that it did not bleed through the paper. Then again, I was adding watercolors rather lightly. It took me the entire night to complete it. As of now, we have been planning on changing up our production line. My brother is up to here with Photoshop. He thinks he cannot make a fancy...

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book, painting, watercolor -

This is a little number I painted last night. I did the entire thing in one sit down. I started around 9 PM and ended about 1:30 AM. Based on this, I think it took about 4 hours to complete. With watercolor painting, I already have a technique already down. I first draw the lineart and then I add the watercolors onto it. The photo shows all the main tools I used to paint this watercolor painting. I did not use too many different colors. The main colors used are those that appear warm. As for the dress of my...

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acrylic, painting -

 Today, I was not too interested in making a serious blog. So, I decided to do a recap episode. Recap episodes are just a rehash of something you have already seen before. I still have not bothered to making my own painting series. I think I should try to do it, like Bod Ross style. He had the only painting show on the air. At least, the only one that I can remember. Everyone in the US knows Bob Ross. If you have never seen him, some of his episodes are on Netflix. More painters should make shows like him....

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