painting RSS

art, liquitex, painting -

This is about the last pouring medium painting I ever made. It was made using Liquitex paint. Liquitex has a lot of mediums to give your paintings a little bit of a special effect. As of lately, I have been using the iridescence medium. It works great as a type of titanium white. When mixed with other paints, it lightens and it gives a nice shimmering effect. It is good for making stuff that have a bit of a metallic sheen. I like a lot those little gimmicky type of paints. I this of all of my attempts, this one...

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acrylic, painting -

I have been a little bit distracted as of lately. I spent yesterday playing a bit. It was my birthday as all. I am like super close to finishing my new book. It might take a bit to publish it. We are working on reediting the old books. As such, we will get to it eventually. This is the first pouring medium painting I made. It was a little bit of a mess. Not so much as the last painting. It only came out quite nice like much later. I do not have too much to say about it. It...

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acrylic, painting -

This is a little bit of a mess of mine. I was trying out pouring medium. It did not come out the way I wanted. This is actually the first version that I made. After messing around a bit I came to the conclusion that pouring medium uses up a bit too much paint. If I had a nice surplus of paints, I think I could make a true pouring medium painting. For the moment, this is the best thing I can manage. The pouring medium used is from Liquitex. You can find it in my store. The humans were...

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acrylic, painting -

It is tradition that most Catholic painters make a Virgin Mary painting. Following in suit, I made a fancy Virgin Mary painting. I made it during the time of Hurricane Dorian. I wanted the Virgin to move the stupid Hurricane away from the Jamaican people. She complied as soon as I made the silly promise. I followed through it. It is interesting to make a religious painting. I have not gone to church in years. I am not a big fan of it because I actually pay attention. All the rituals repeat themselves. It is part of tradition and all...

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book, painting, watercolor -

I was waiting a bit for the print version. Sometimes it takes a bit of time for Amazon to get around to that. A couple of months ago, I completed a short story book. All the stories were based on silly dreams. It usually takes a couple of years to dream up something interesting. At the moment, it is raining cats and dogs. I have been thinking of getting like a real day job. I would not have to if people like you would cooperate a bit. We all know the gig. Just make things a little bit easier for...

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