Acrylic Pouring Medium in Red over Yellow

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Acrylic Pouring Medium in Red over Yellow

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I have been a little bit distracted as of lately. I spent yesterday playing a bit. It was my birthday as all. I am like super close to finishing my new book. It might take a bit to publish it.

We are working on reediting the old books. As such, we will get to it eventually. This is the first pouring medium painting I made. It was a little bit of a mess. Not so much as the last painting. It only came out quite nice like much later.

I do not have too much to say about it. It started out as an interesting idea. It turned into a bad one later. I have been trying to make some new anime drawings. I am making them with markers. I think this is about it as far as my nonsense goes. I hope you like my new acrylic painting.

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