painting RSS

acrylic, flower, painting -

This is a pretty floral painting I made. It features some flowers you can find in my garden. I was out in the garden checking out my flowers today. I noticed one lost two stems. I think it has something to do with the wind. I placed it on the ground to see if it grows roots. I saw Monty doing junk like that with cuttings in his TV show. Hopefully, I get the logic of it. I am just not feeling it today. I am still a little bit sick around the edges. It took at little longer than...

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art, painting, video -

   This video features some of my favorite works by Leon Comerre. I did art videos years ago. I just remembered them. I decided to add them to my online store. I think it would make the blog section somewhat more interesting. This video has a lot of rose petals. Speaking of roses, I have a new rose bush. I am feeling pretty happy about it. 

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art, painting -

This is a new acrylic painting and the like. I am almost done with my acrylic painting series. I am more or less bored with painting acrylics. I painted this cutie a couple of days ago. I am still mellowed out about it. When is that stupid Kingdom Hearts 3 coming home? I designed the fairy after a male butterfly. The posing was a little bit hard around the edges. I wanted to showcase the wings without doing a traditional classic front profile. I am really bored and the like. I think this is just about it and the like....

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abstract, painting -

This is a new acrylic painting that I made a week ago. I felt like making a pure abstract painting. The poses make reference to ballet. Still, when my brother saw it he thought it was about Star Wars. Now, I am looking at the shapes and I think I see it too. I suppose there is nothing too far out there. It is boring just to talk about it. The background was purple because I had already used up orange. I want to use up all colors of my set before moving onto another one. As of now, I...

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acrylic, painting -

This is another one of my silly acrylic paintings. It is about all the outside influence I have as far as writing is concerned. Each icon represents a type of book or author that I read a lot of. The kimono maiden represents all those Japanese mangas that I read when I was in school. I always read the volumes they had in the library. I never had the money, patience and room to commit to a long manga. Some of those series just take up like an entire room, like the One Piece mangas. Like you may have noticed,...

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