The Artist Assaulted by Outside Influence Acrylic Painting

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The Artist Assaulted by Outside Influence Acrylic Painting

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This is another one of my silly acrylic paintings. It is about all the outside influence I have as far as writing is concerned. Each icon represents a type of book or author that I read a lot of. The kimono maiden represents all those Japanese mangas that I read when I was in school.

I always read the volumes they had in the library. I never had the money, patience and room to commit to a long manga. Some of those series just take up like an entire room, like the One Piece mangas. Like you may have noticed, manga influences my drawing style a lot.

The Japanese comics do not touch too much on my writing style. Book wise, I write more like Hemmingway. This is what all the teachers of FIU say. I never willingly read Hemmingway. Whatever I read of the fellow, I suppressed and forgot. I do not know why people fuss so much about the fellow.

I suppose it might have something to do with the narration style or whatever. It would be more obvious if I read more of his work. I have a certain aesthetic. I do not like to describe items too much. Still, I do linger on bad weather. I find weather phenomenon to be all so very fascinating. Still, I limit myself to what I know.

The only extreme weather I know are the Hurricanes. The most recent one was the stupid Irma and Nate was a total pig too. I caught Nate while I was in a cruise. Never again will you have me ride one of those boats. This is enough about that writer I care nothing about. The chess piece represents Nabokov.

Of his books, I only like two. The one about the chess game and Laughter in the Dark. His other works insist upon themselves, as Peter Griffin would put it. This is part of the reason why I never saw The Godfather Trilogy. It took forever to get nowhere.

The Spanish market is over saturated with gangster movies and Telenovelas. Even when gang stuff is not the main plot, it still ends up as a subplot. The subject matter grows boring and repetitive after a while, with one notable exception. The teeth represents Poe’s work, while the eye is HP Lovecraft.

I think this is just about it. I forgot what everything else represented. All in all, I think I got bored of the painting halfway. I left the items unpainted. I thought they would not stand out against the colorful background. Anyhow, I hope you find my ramblings humoring.

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