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game, photos, video -

I just remembered a final cheating strategy. If your King and Queen look similar. Swap their locations when setting up the board. It can be an early strategic advantage. Anyhow, I was thinking of what new game related video to make. I have an affinity for more classical type of games. There is nothing classier than a game of Chess. Most players focus on proper winning strategies. Nobody mentions cheating. Cheating is a great way to get a rise out of an opponent that is always forcing you to play chess with them. I never played in a tournament situation,...

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bell pepper, bjd, garden, photo, photos, vegetable -

Today I harvested my first red bell pepper. I made a commemorative photo of it. This time I waited for the fruit to ripen. Once it was nice and red, I harvested the bell pepper. I pondered a bit on how to use it. In the end, I used it to flavor the spaghetti. The trick is to put it close to the end of the meal. This allows the spaghetti to get the nice flavor of the bell pepper, and it allows for the pepper to retain its texture. Aside from helping with the flavor, the bell pepper can...

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beach, butterfly, florida, key west, photo, photos, travel, traveling, video -

This is about the second blog about Key West. The first one just focused on the Parrot Keys. This one is more about Key West. On the first day, we spent it trying to get to the hotel. The second day when we went home. Before heading back, we explored a bit Key West. It was quite crowded, but the folks were sporting masks. Key West is pretty clean, and there have not been deaths in months. In that place, it almost felt like life had gone back to normal. I wish things were nice again. I have been pondering...

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key west, photos, tourism, travel, traveler -

On Saturday, my family took a mental health day. We could only afford to stay one day in our favorite resort. This time we shared only one room. The room had two beds and a little porch, so it works just as well. The last time I visited the Parrot Keys I was more photography oriented. This time I wanted to take lots of videos. I have been working a little bit more on the Youtube. Once the videos are strung together, they are also going to appear on this blog as well. I am going to post about three...

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flower, flowers, garden, gardening, nature, photos -

It has finally happened! The tomato vines finally have a decently visible tomatoes. If things continue well, I might become independent of buying Publix tomatoes. A well-cared for tomato plant always increases in value. I suppose most folks do not find tomatoes all that exiting. It is just my ordinary life as all. As far as things that can actually come to pass, I have plenty of reasonable goals. When I was wee small, I wanted normal type of things. Think of the most mundane goals, and there you have it. Being a writer was not even part of the...

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