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This is another one of my silly stop motion videos. This one features a butchering of one of my favorite songs. I first heard Holy Diver on Guitar Hero. That was back during the days when the Playstation published good games. Anyhow, I sang the music for this video. I only used the first take. I thought it would make it more amusing. I have been thinking of translating some of my funny bjd stop motion videos. I mean, I know Spanish. I might as well use my other language for something. Use it or lose it, I suppose. Anyhow,...

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Today I finally got around to completing my little doll theater. I was going for a shoe string budget. I have a new idea for an episode tomorrow. In the making of it, I only used the first takes. The voices were based on the little scenes I made. I had not particular idea what I was up to. I had fancy ideas, but when it came to the making of them, I was a bit deflated. In any case. I hope you find this little video featuring my dolls amusing.

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I was like super bored today so I started experimenting with Stop Motion animation. The videos in this little blog is just me trying stuff out. There is going to be a longer video coming out eventually. It is going to be the first episode of my TV show, featuring my dolls. It won’t come out perfect, but at least it will be amusing. So, this is something you can look forward to in the near future. Hopefully, it will not take two weeks to make. Elvira Stop Motion  Ashley Stopmotion    Elvira and Ashley Stopmotion

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Mein is very different from Bebe. I am not one to change the names of the dolls. It is as if you change the name of some random brat you meet, like in the Simpsons. Mein was a bit problematic to get. The person who made the doll left Bonanza. I had just given her the money, through paypal. I was not certain if the doll was coming or not. Since we did not heard of the vendor, we started the progress of getting the money back. Eventually, the doll did arrive. We could have easily pretended not to have...

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The second doll in my collection is called Bebe. I call her Dolly, Dolly. My mother calls her the ugly duckling, of the trio. There is something about her face mother doesn’t like. I don’t really get it. Anyhow, I got this little doll last year. Last year was a real good year for the family. I was making progress with the books, we had gone on vacations to the Florida Keys, and there was something that resembled a surplus in the bank account. Anyhow, for my birthday, I asked my brother for a new doll. After looking through the...

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