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book, cute, drawing, jelly fish, watercolor -

I finally got around making the front cover for Deasura. She is part of my Saturnastra series. Each book is named after the protagonist. She is going to be about the 9th book. Even I cannot believe I wrote so much on the same subject. Usually, certain things tend to grow thin. In the end, switching protagonist helped to keeps things lively. This book takes place by the coast. There will be a couple of navy battles as well. The main girl is a priestess and an incidental summoner. She calls forth some forgotten Gods to battle in her stead....

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book, front cover, watercolor -

I was going to show you my new gardening photos. Instead, I am going to show you my new painting. I finally got around to completing it. It took longer than I had anticipated. The problem was the fancy curtain and bed sheets. Just putting a bit of pattern is enough to delay any project. As of now, we have the first volume published on Amazon. From time to time, we get new directives to have some errors fixed. Publishing mangas takes a little longer than publishing books. We did not have that problem with the Chiblia because it did...

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art, book, front cover, watercolor -

Recently, we got around to publishing our graphic novel The Furies. As before, we usually have a lot of arguments about the arrangement. It is a bit of a bother, if you think about it. We had to republish it because the color pages made manga more expensive. The stupid computer assumed that the entire book was in color, when it was mainly in Black and White. What a bother indeed. We have been talking about mirror mode and fixing the order of the panels. Whenever I call him on something he gets really annoyed and personal. Some things cannot...

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book, painting, watercolor -

This is quite the cute front cover that I made. I had originally the lineart version for a different project. I now finally got around to adding color to it. The paper is not a watercolor paper. It was just a Strathmore drawing paper. I was surprised that it did not bleed through the paper. Then again, I was adding watercolors rather lightly. It took me the entire night to complete it. As of now, we have been planning on changing up our production line. My brother is up to here with Photoshop. He thinks he cannot make a fancy...

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book, painting, watercolor -

This is a little number I painted last night. I did the entire thing in one sit down. I started around 9 PM and ended about 1:30 AM. Based on this, I think it took about 4 hours to complete. With watercolor painting, I already have a technique already down. I first draw the lineart and then I add the watercolors onto it. The photo shows all the main tools I used to paint this watercolor painting. I did not use too many different colors. The main colors used are those that appear warm. As for the dress of my...

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