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blue bottles, odd, st. augustine -

Today has been a bit mellowed out. There was the usual somewhat welcome visitor. So, I was not able to get up to writing till recently. Now, back to the short 2 day trip to St. Augustine. These hanging bottles is another thing that drew my attention. I heard from my brother that such things were common in Southern stores. You won't find a MacDonald in this historical city. Not that I would bother to find one. The last one I ate I think gave me food poisoning. Then again, I did eat before boarding a plane. I recently discovered...

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art, cute, figurines, photo -

This photo features some cute figurines I wanted to buy. However, there was not much time to buy anything. Then again, we were in a bus tour. As such, there was not much room to take anything. The only thing I managed to buy was a saber. I do not know how long it was in the sword store. The sword was a saber and it was mostly ornamental. It had no sharp edges. Still, as a blunt weapon it works just as well.   Now, back to the beach girls. Their outfits are like the dresses from the 1930s and...

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flower girl, photo -

While in the garden of the fountain of youth, I found this cute little figurine. She seemed really cute with her flower and the tree. There is just so many cute things in St. Augustine. I aim to return there one day and stock up on junk. There is a lot of stuff there. Not valuable stuff, but just artsy stuff. All the places there always have something cool to look at every corner. There is something else to note about the historic sight of the fountain of youth. It had more than one fountain. The guy claimed one hole...

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albino, peacock, photo -

You know you got to the Fountain of Youth if you see a forest filled with Peacocks. Well, at least it used to be a forest before Ponce de Leon go through with it. At least the peacocks still remained. He came to the Americas looking for the Fountain of Youth. He instead found Florida and Cuba. Regardless, this area is a bit of a Museum. It supposedly has the famous fountain. It also has a nice Planetarium. I would have liked to wander about the place a lot, but we were in a strict timeline. The most interesting thing...

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art, craft -

While walking through the city, I saw this cool looking Museum or art gallery. I wanted to go inside and see the paintings, but we had to keep moving. The photo was taken close to sunset. This shows in the odd reflection in the window. Upon closer examination it seems like an old man is being held by gunpoint or something. He is cowering in front of that strange women. He could also be exclaiming at the sight of the bizarre looking fish. The photo is up to interpretation. I am not one to look through my old work a...

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