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art, florida keys, music, photo -

Not all sculptures have to be giant in order to be impressive. This one is of the home brew variety. It can easily fit in your living room, or your music room, if you live in a mansion. It is just pretty nice in a trendy sort of fashion. I never did quite get the difference between art and craft. For me, if it looks awesome frame it up. If it is an eye sore, then it belongs in the garbage can. Then again, as a chick I tend to have a preference for things that look visually appealing. I...

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art, drawing -

This is another one of my classical looking anime girls. As of late, I have been practicing my people drawing. I could use people from the real world. Still, I find it easier to rely on either photos or paintings. As of now, I have been using just the paintings. I am trying not to repeat poses or walks. Most of the old masters did not repeat themselves. Even when the poses were similar, there was a variation with the hand movement or the pose of the leg. For the time being, I have been just a little bored and...

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anime, art, drawing -

I did not post a blog yesterday because I was taking an eye rest. I did rest it for most of the time, but then I started playing My Little Dragon Caffe and I think it is messed up again. It is  so annoying when your eye starts ticketing. I feel like there is something pocking the side of it, but I do not see any eyelashes or anything. It worked just fine yesterday, for the most part. Now, it is back to being a bit of a bother. It does look a bit red from one side. I suppose...

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art, drawing -

This is another one of my beautiful anime drawings. It is a maiden resting on the floor. Well, the original was resting on the couch. I got the pose from a painting. I tend to sketch from paintings, because it is good practice. It also humors me a bit. In the old days, I used to sketch pokemon and yugioh cards. I eventually moved on to making my original drawings. As of now, I have gotten a little bit more refined.  Then again, I am not the sort of fellow to snob works I find appealing. My mother recently said...

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art, chibi, manga -

This is just another one of my chibi little works in process. The scene shown here is from the book of Samuel. The king Saul was worried about loosing the battle. Whenever he was worried about something, he used to consult Samuel. However, by that time Samuel had died. Since the King could not accept the prophet’s death he went to see a necromancer. Here, the maiden is conjuring the spirit of Samuel to speak with the king. As you can tell from my drawing, Samuel isn’t too happy about having his peaceful slumber disturbed. Can you imagine being awoken...

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